Change connection parameters in WebApi for sql server: WebApi/appsettings.json:
DefaultConnection": "secret.json"
Change the key to the jwt section in WebApi/appsettings.json:
Key": "secret.json"
Run commands in the WebApi project:
dotnet restore
dotnet ef database update
Default Roles are as follows.
- Admin
- User
- Admin - [email protected] / Password - Test123!@#
- User - [email protected] / Password - Test123!@#
- Onion Architecture
- CQRS with MediatR
- MediatR Pipeline Logging & Validation
- MediatR Notification
- Entity Framework Core - Code First
- Repository Pattern
- Fluent Validation
- Automapper
- SMTP - EmailService
- BackgroundJob - Hangfire
- Microsoft Identity (Users/Role/UserInRoles)
- Role based Authorization
- User Management Module (register / generate token)
- Redis Caching
- InMemory Caching
- SQL Server Database
- Seeding Users
- Custom Exception Handling Middlewares
- Pagination
- Serilog/NLog
- Swagger UI
- Response Wrappers
- Unit tests (Moq, Fluent Assertions, Bogus)
- Integrated tests