[](https://travis-ci.org/Thuong Nguyen/ZText)
If you ever used NSAttributedString for special font and color formatting for text, you can feel the pain of the lengthy code. Moreover, the attributes are really hard to remember, especially when you rarely use them. To eliminate the above headache, ZText provides an easy way to use NSAttributedString with simple syntax that you almost don't need to remember anything.
Just import ZText
and you are good to go. Simply begin the text with begin()
, then add some more texts, and finally call end()
to return a NSAttributedString.
For instance:
ZText.boldFont = UIFont(name: "GillSans-Bold", size: 42)!
ZText.italicFont = UIFont(name: "GillSans-Italic", size: 18)!
ZText.defaultAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Center
lbTitle.attributedText = ZText.begin()
.addBoldText("Z", color: UIColor.whiteColor())
.addBoldText("Text", color: UIColor.yellowColor())
lbDescription.attributedText = ZText.begin()
.addItalicText("'Cause ", color: UIColor.yellowColor())
.addItalicText("NSAttributedString ", color: UIColor.whiteColor())
.addItalicText("is ", color: UIColor.yellowColor())
.addItalicText("damn ", color: UIColor.whiteColor())
.addItalicText("sexy ", color: UIColor.yellowColor())
There are couples of attributes that you might want to customize:
public static var generalFont: UIFont
public static var boldFont: UIFont
public static var italicFont: UIFont
public static var generalColor: UIColor
public static var boldTextColor: UIColor
public static var italicTextColor: UIColor
public static var backgroundColor: UIColor
public static var boldBackgroundColor: UIColor
public static var italicBackgroundColor: UIColor
public static var defaultUnderlineStyle: NSUnderlineStyle
public static var defaultUnderlineColor: UIColor
public static var defaultAlignment: NSTextAlignment
Full list of methods that you can call:
public class func begin() -> ZText.ZText
public func addText(text: String, color: UIColor?, background: UIColor?, font: UIFont?, underlineStyle: NSUnderlineStyle, underlineColor: UIColor?) -> ZText.ZText
public func addText(text: String, color: UIColor?, background: UIColor?, font: UIFont?) -> ZText.ZText
public func addText(text: String, color: UIColor?, font: UIFont?) -> ZText.ZText
public func addText(text: String, font: UIFont?) -> ZText.ZText
public func addText(text: String, color: UIColor?) -> ZText.ZText
public func addText(text: String) -> ZText.ZText
public func addText(text: String, underlineStyle: NSUnderlineStyle, underlineColor: UIColor?) -> ZText.ZText
public func addText(text: String, underlineStyle: NSUnderlineStyle) -> ZText.ZText
public func addBoldText(text: String, underlineStyle: NSUnderlineStyle, underlineColor: UIColor?) -> ZText.ZText
public func addBoldText(text: String) -> ZText.ZText
public func addBoldText(text: String, color: UIColor) -> ZText.ZText
public func addBoldText(text: String, underlineStyle: NSUnderlineStyle) -> ZText.ZText
public func addItalicText(text: String, underlineStyle: NSUnderlineStyle, underlineColor: UIColor?) -> ZText.ZText
public func addItalicText(text: String, underlineStyle: NSUnderlineStyle) -> ZText.ZText
public func addItalicText(text: String, color: UIColor) -> ZText.ZText
public func addItalicText(text: String) -> ZText.ZText
public func end() -> NSMutableAttributedString
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
ZText is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "ZText"
Thuong Nguyen, [email protected]
ZText is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.