under server (apache) www directory
alias root (possible-config) to bahmni_config
bahmni -i <inventory file> -impl-play <possible config path>/playbooks/all.yml install-impl
command to run the ansible tasks.ex: bahmni -i local -impl-play /var/www/bahmni_config/playbooks/all.yml install-impl
to link default_config to vagrants /var/www/bahmni_config./scripts/vagrant-database.sh
to run liquibase migrations in vagrant
The default-config.zip
is created on the CI Server as part of the Bahmni_MRS_Master pipeline (FunctionalTests job). You can download the latest zip from this URL:
Latest Builds: Download Link
Replace the {Build_Number} variable in the link:
- Clinical app.json: example - (Details in comments)
"config" : {
"otherInvestigationsMap": {
"Radiology": "Radiology Order",
"Endoscopy": "Endoscopy Order"
"conceptSetUI": { // all configs for conceptSet added here
"XCodedConcept": { // name of the concept
"autocomplete": true, // if set to true, it will show autocomplete instead of dropdown for coded concept answers.
"showAbnormalIndicator": true //If set to true, will show a checkbox for capturing abnormal observation.
"Text Complaints": { //name of the concept
"freeTextAutocomplete": { //if present, will show a textbox, with autocomplete for concept name.
"conceptSetName": "VITALS_CONCEPT", // autocomplete will search for concepts which are membersOf this conceptSet (Optional)
"codedConceptName": "Complaints" // autocomplete will search for concepts which are answersTo this codedConcept (Optional)
- Registration app.json: example - (Details in comments)
"config" : {
"autoCompleteFields":["familyName", "caste"],
"defaultIdentifierPrefix": "NEHR",
"searchByIdForwardUrl": "/patient/{{patientUuid}}?visitType=OPD - RETURNING",
"conceptSetUI": {
"temparature": {
"showAbnormalIndicator": true
"showMiddleName": false,
"hideFields": ["Height", "Weight", "BMI", "BMI_Status"], //the fields on screen which should NOT be shown
"registrationCardPrintLayout": "/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/registration/registrationCardLayout/print.html",
"localNameSearch": true, // registration search displays parameter for search by local name
"localNameLabel": "Name of the Patient", // label to be diplyed for local name search input
"localNamePlaceholder": "Name of the Patient", // placeholder to be diplyed for local name search input
"localNameAttributes": ["givenNameLocal", "familyNameLocal"] //patient attributes to be search against for local name search