Javascript url handling for Django that doesn’t hurt.
Django JS Reverse is a small django app that makes url handling of named urls in javascript easy and non-annoying..
For example you can retrieve a named url:
url(r'^/betterliving/(?P<category_slug>[-\w]+)/(?P<entry_pk>\d+)/$', 'get_house', name='betterliving_get_house'),
in javascript like:
Urls.betterliving_get_house('house', 12)
- 0.4.1
Add JS_REVERSE_EXCLUDE_NAMESPACES option to exclude namespaces from import default is ['admin', 'djdt'] (admin and Django Debug Tool Bar) admin's namespaces takes about half of file size. To include all urls use
- Add ability to save in file <script src="{% static 'django_js_reverse/js/reverse.js' %}"></script> to do this run ./ collectstatic
- 0.3.3
- New: Django 1.7 support
- 0.3.2
New: Default minification of the generated javascript file
Fix: content type of the jsreverse script. Thank you @emcsween
Testing: Use selenium for better testing
- 0.3.1
- Added support for namespaces
- 0.3.0
Test support for pypy, python 3.4, django 1.6
Refactored include of JS_REVERSE_JS_VAR_NAME js var name
Get rid of "DeprecationWarning: The mimetype keyword argument is depracated, use content_type instead"
- Python (2.6, 2.7, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, PyPy)
- Django (1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7)
Install using pip
pip install django-js-reverse
… or clone the project from github.
git clone [email protected]:ierror/django-js-reverse.git
Add 'django_js_reverse'
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'django_js_reverse', )
First generate static file by
./ collectstatic
If you change some urls or add plagin and wont to update reverse.js file run collectstatic again.
After this add file to template
<script src="{% static 'django_js_reverse/js/reverse.js' %}"></script>
Include none-cached view …
urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^jsreverse/$', 'django_js_reverse.views.urls_js', name='js_reverse'), )
… or a cached one that delivers the urls javascript
from django_js_reverse.views import urls_js urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^jsreverse/$', cache_page(3600)(urls_js), name='js_reverse'), )
Include javascript in your template
<script src="{% url js_reverse %}" type="text/javascript"></script>
or, if you are using Django > 1.5
<script src="{% url 'js_reverse' %}" type="text/javascript"></script>
Optional you can overwrite the default javascript variable ‘Urls’ used to access the named urls by django setting
Optional you can disable the minfication of the generated javascript file by django setting
By default Admin and Django Debug Tool Bar namespaces excluded you can reset this by
Or add some other things to exclude
JS_REVERSE_EXCLUDE_NAMESPACES = ['admin', 'djdt', ...]
If your url names are valid javascript identifiers ([$A-Z_][-Z_$]*)i you can access them by the Dot notation:
Urls.betterliving_get_house('house', 12)
If the named url contains invalid identifiers use the Square bracket notation instead:
Urls['betterliving-get-house']('house', 12) Urls['namespace:betterliving-get-house']('house', 12)