Generate ExtJS paths & dependencies.
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-extjs --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
Run this task with the grunt extjs-deps
This task will copy & modify ExtJS core file (with some black magic injections) to be run by Node. Then your ExtJS App will be spawned (i.e. instantiated by Node) to find all of your dependencies by Ext.Loader
. As a result you will get whole Class files list in the right order. As well as static scripts URIs (requested by Ext.Loader.loadScript
) and Ajax URIs (requested by
Note, it was tested only on ExtJS 4.2.1 — Please, report if there are issues with other versions.
Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.
Also note that running grunt with the --verbose
flag will output some extra information. This can be very helpful in seeing actual console logs/errors during processing.
Type: Number
Default: 5000
The amount of time (in milliseconds) that grunt will wait for spawned App to be initialized.
Type: String
Default: (built-in)
File with browser environment emulation. Used to run ExtJS by Node.
Type: String
Default: (built-in)
File with custom ExtJS overrides. Used to run ExtJS by Node & actually catch dependencies.
Type: String
Default: process.cwd()
Root path for all scripts paths. Results would be relative to this.
Type: String
Default: ""
Your App root path. Usually, where your index.html
is located.
Type: String
Default: ""
ExtJS sources path. Be sure to specify as this package doesn't contain ExtJS sources.
Type: String
Default: "ext-debug.js"
ExtJS Core file to be used. Use "ext-all.js"
if you don't want catch any Ext.*
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Fail task if some Classes have not been created
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Fail task if some Classes were required, but don't exist
Type: Function
Default: (built-in)
Callback to deal with gathered dependencies. By default it setups extjs.{target}.deps
option with passed (files)
, including:
[path] - Created Classes listscripts
[uri] - Files requested viaExt.Loader.loadScript()
[uri] - Ajax Requests listmissed
[path] - Requested, but not existed filesfailed
{class: path} - Existed, defined, but not created Classes
// Project configuration.
'extjs-deps': {
options: {
extDir: 'src/vendor/extjs',
extFile: 'ext-all.js',
appRoot: 'src',
failOnMissed: true
app: {
src: 'src/app/index.js'
// would be stored as grunt config variable ``
// so use it in another task
// (e.g. to concat files as <%= %>)
Run this task with the grunt extjs-map
Useful to generate Path map of ExtJS Namespaces. Generated map usually passed to Ext.Loader.setPath()
Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.
Also note that running grunt with the --verbose
flag will output some extra information.
Type: Function
Default: (built-in)
Call to normalize namespace, passing (dirname, filepath)
. By default it converts my-dir-name_one
to MyDirName_one
Type: Function
Default: (built-in)
Call to normalize path, passing (dirname, filepath, rootPath, namespace)
. By default it joins as rootPath/diname
Type: String|Function
Default: ''
Path prefix to be added to each generated path. If a Function, then called each time before path is normalized, passing (dirname, filepath, namespace)
Type: Function
Default: (built-in)
Callback to deal with gathered map. By default it setups extjs.{target}.map
option with passed map, like {"namespace":"path"}
// Project configuration.
'extjs-map': {
options: {
rootPath: 'lib',
compileMap: function (map) {
return 'Ext.Loader.setPath(' + JSON.stringify(map, null, 2) + ');';
develop: {
src: 'components/*',
dest: 'app/ext-paths.js'
build: {
src: 'components/*'
// would be stored as grunt config variable ``
// so use it in another task (e.g. to inject into html)
- 2015-04-22 v0.1.3
- extjs-deps: Add
- extjs-deps: Add
- 2015-01-11 v0.1.2
- extjs-deps: Fix kill by timeout on multiple targets.
- extjs-deps: Ignore non-existed files (see
- 2015-01-11 v0.1.1
- extjs-map: Fix
- extjs-map: Fix
- 2015-01-11 v0.1.0
- Work in progress, not yet officially released.