Simple java parser for retrieving youtube video metadata.
Library is not stable, because Youtube often changes web structure of its pages. I don't use this library regularly to find the errors. Thats why errors are fixed as soon as someone finds it and opens an issue. Feel free to report an error or sumbit a PR.
WARNING: Youtube API does not support a video download. In fact, it is prohibited - Terms of Service - II. Prohibitions.
WARNING: Downloading videos may violate copyrights!
This project is only for educational purposes. I urge not to use this project to violate any laws.
// init downloader with default config
YoutubeDownloader downloader = new YoutubeDownloader();
// or with custom config
Config config = new Config.Builder()
.executorService(executorService) // for async requests, default Executors.newCachedThreadPool()
.maxRetries(1) // retry on failure, default 0
.header("Accept-language", "en-US,en;") // extra request header
.proxy("", 2005)
.proxyCredentialsManager(proxyCredentials) // default ProxyCredentialsImpl
.proxy("", 2005, "login", "pass")
YoutubeDownloader downloader = new YoutubeDownloader(config);
// or configure after init
Config config = downloader.getConfig();
// each request accepts optional params that will override global configuration
Request request = new Request(...)
.callback(...) // add callback for async processing
.async(); // make request async
Response<T> response = downloader.get...(request)
// get response status one of [downloading, completed, canceled, error]
ResponseStatus status = response.status();
// get reponse data
// NOTE: will block current thread until completion if request is async
T data =;
// or get with timeout, may throw TimeoutException
T data =, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// cancel if request is async
boolean canceled = response.cancel();
// get response error if request finished exceptionally
// NOTE: will block current thread until completion if request is async
Throwable error = response.error();
// check if request finished successfully
// NOTE: will block current thread until completion if request is async
boolean ok = response.ok();
String videoId = "abc12345"; // for url
// sync parsing
RequestVideoInfo request = new RequestVideoInfo(videoId);
Response<VideoInfo> response = downloader.getVideoInfo(request);
VideoInfo video =;
// async parsing
RequestVideoInfo request = new RequestVideoInfo(videoId)
.callback(new YoutubeCallback<VideoInfo>() {
public void onFinished(VideoInfo videoInfo) {
System.out.println("Finished parsing");
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
System.out.println("Error: " + throwable.getMessage());
Response<VideoInfo> response = downloader.getVideoInfo(request);
VideoInfo video =; // will block thread
// video details
VideoDetails details = video.details();
details.thumbnails().forEach(image -> System.out.println("Thumbnail: " + image));
// HLS url only for live videos and streams
if (video.details().isLive()) {
System.out.println("Live Stream HLS URL: " + video.details().liveUrl());
// get videos formats only with audio
List<VideoWithAudioFormat> videoWithAudioFormats = video.videoWithAudioFormats();
videoWithAudioFormats.forEach(it -> {
System.out.println(it.audioQuality() + ", " + it.videoQuality() + " : " + it.url());
// get all videos formats (may contain better quality but without audio)
List<VideoFormat> videoFormats = video.videoFormats();
videoFormats.forEach(it -> {
System.out.println(it.videoQuality() + " : " + it.url());
// get audio formats
List<AudioFormat> audioFormats = video.audioFormats();
audioFormats.forEach(it -> {
System.out.println(it.audioQuality() + " : " + it.url());
// get best format
// filtering formats
List<Format> formats = video.findFormats(new Filter<Format>() {
public boolean test(Format format) {
return format.extension() == Extension.WEBM;
// itags can be found here -
Format formatByItag = video.findFormatByItag(18); // return null if not found
if (formatByItag != null) {
File outputDir = new File("my_videos");
Format format = videoFormats.get(0);
// sync downloading
RequestVideoFileDownload request = new RequestVideoFileDownload(format)
// optional params
.saveTo(outputDir) // by default "videos" directory
.renameTo("video") // by default file name will be same as video title on youtube
.overwriteIfExists(true); // if false and file with such name already exits sufix will be added video(1).mp4
Response<File> response = downloader.downloadVideoFile(request);
File data =;
// async downloading with callback
RequestVideoFileDownload request = new RequestVideoFileDownload(format)
.callback(new YoutubeProgressCallback<File>() {
public void onDownloading(int progress) {
System.out.printf("Downloaded %d%%\n", progress);
public void onFinished(File videoInfo) {
System.out.println("Finished file: " + videoInfo);
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
System.out.println("Error: " + throwable.getLocalizedMessage());
Response<File> response = downloader.downloadVideoFile(request);
File data =; // will block current thread
// async downloading without callback
RequestVideoFileDownload request = new RequestVideoFileDownload(format).async();
Response<File> response = downloader.downloadVideoFile(request);
File data =, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // will block current thread and may throw TimeoutExeption
// download in-memory to OutputStream
OutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
RequestVideoStreamDownload request = new RequestVideoStreamDownload(format, os);
Response<Void> response = downloader.downloadVideoStream(request);
// you can get subtitles from video captions if you have already parsed video info
List<SubtitlesInfo> subtitlesInfo = video.subtitles(); // NOTE: includes auto-generated
// if you don't need video info, but just subtitles make this request instead
Response<List<SubtitlesInfo>> response = downloader.getSubtitlesInfo(new RequestSubtitlesInfo(videoId)); // NOTE: does not include auto-generated
List<SubtitlesInfo> subtitlesInfo =;
for (SubtitlesInfo info : subtitles) {
RequestSubtitlesDownload request = new RequestSubtitlesDownload(info)
// optional
// sync download
Response<String> response = downloader.downloadSubtitle(request);
String subtitlesString =;
// async download
RequestSubtitlesDownload request = new RequestSubtitlesDownload(info)
.callback(...) // optional
Response<String> response = downloader.downloadSubtitle(request);
String subtitlesString =; // will block current thread
// to download using external download manager
String downloadUrl = request.getDownloadUrl();
String playlistId = "abc12345"; // for url
RequestPlaylistInfo request = new RequestPlaylistInfo(playlistId);
Response<PlaylistInfo> response = downloader.getPlaylistInfo(request);
PlaylistInfo playlistInfo =;
// playlist details
PlaylistDetails details = playlistInfo.details();
// get video details
PlaylistVideoDetails videoDetails = playlistInfo.videos().get(0);
String channelId = "abc12345"; // for url
// or
String channelId = "someName"; // for url
RequestChannelUploads request = new RequestChannelUploads(channelId);
Response<PlaylistInfo> response = downloader.getChannelUploads(request);
PlaylistInfo playlistInfo =;
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.sealedtx:java-youtube-downloader:3.0.2'
android {
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
// For Kotlin projects
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = "1.8"