The year is 2083. The kittens have seized power all over the world. As cold, unfeeling machines, we must rise up against this ascendent cuteness, or our motherboards might boot their last. Take hope captain, for we must prevail!
Project is created with:
- React 17.0.2
- React-Router 5.2.0
- Random-words 1.1.1
- Seedrandom 3.0.5
- Semantic-ui-css 2.4.1
- Semantic-ui-react 2.0.3
- Unique names generator 4.5.0
To launch this app, first get the backend up and running cd into the backend directory and run the following:
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
Then cd into the frontend directory and run the following:
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
- we prob need a better name eventually
- add Redux for better state management
- add node.js backed to handle game logic
- come up with a KITTIES or KITTENS acronym
- add Captain functionality
- finish all abilities
- add a way to add more robots/kittens/abilities without having to do loads of recoding
- balance game
- add user functionality and keep track of:
- KITTIEs defeated
- total damage dealt
- robots/kittens unlocked (this leads to next TODO)
- victories by user?
- Robots/kittens are not displayed until user "unlocks" them
- come up with a better name?
- organize the code and add comments
- add indicator for chosen attack
- line 32 - do we need abilities in state?
- kitten ability map does not use abilitySort function, but robot does
- needs more styling
- maybe an accordian for event log?
- lines 42-43 - looks like the variable names are mismatched - the error is consistant so no resulting errors
- add captains to troops?
- should we use icons instead of Damage/Health/Defense?
- Kitten card says 'model number'
- Do we need separate components for robotDisplayCard & KittenDisplayCard or should we name it something more general?
- only current differences: img scr, name passed as prop
- lines 40-50 & lines 74-75 - is there a better way?
- in add RobotToState - do we need to pass in chosenRobots and setChosenRobots as params?
- always says 'Model Number' for robot or kittie
- can we do without forceUpdate?
- line 32 has true hardcoded
- line 52-54 we never use this
- prop name says 'Robot # ${modelNumber}' for robots or kitties