Plonky is a prototype implementation of recursive arguments. It is loosely based on PLONK, with various modifications:
- While PLONK uses KZG's pairing-based polynomial commitment scheme, we use the Halo technique to recursively verify discrete log based polynomial commitments.
- The standard PLONK model was designed for arithmetic circuits; it uses a single constraint to verify additive and multiplicative relationships. We use a variety of custom gates, such as a gate which performs a full round of a Rescue permutation. The maximum degree of our constraints is 7.
- In the standard version of PLONK, each gate interacts with three wires, which are typically thought of as two input wires and one output wire. We use a much higher arity -- 11 wires per gate -- although only 6 of them are involved in the permutation argument. The other 5 can be thought of as "advice" wires.
- In PLONK, the verifier generates a challenge point
and polynomials are opened at bothx
andg x
is some multiplicative group generator). This makes it possible for a gate to access the wire values of the "following" gate at no additional cost, a la TurboPLONK, which can be helpful in eliminating redundant state. We add a third opening atg^65 x
which, if we imagine gates arranged on a grid with a width of 65, allows each gate to access neighboring gates along both dimensions.