Native Rust module for Adblock Plus syntax (e.g. EasyList, EasyPrivacy) filter parsing and matching.
It uses a tokenisation approach for quickly reducing the potentially matching rule search space against a URL.
The algorithm is inspired by, and closely follows the algorithm of uBlock Origin and Cliqz.
Somewhat graphical explanation of the algorithm:
Demo use in Rust:
extern crate adblock;
use adblock::engine::Engine;
fn main() {
let rules = vec![
let blocker = Engine::from_rules_debug(&rules);
let blocker_result = blocker.check_network_urls("", "", "image");
println!("Blocker result: {:?}", blocker_result);
Note the Node.js module has overheads inherent to boundary crossing between JS and native code.
const AdBlockClient = require('adblock-rs');
let el_rules = fs.readFileSync('./data/', { encoding: 'utf-8' }).split('\n');
let ubo_unbreak_rules = fs.readFileSync('./data/uBlockOrigin/unbreak.txt', { encoding: 'utf-8' }).split('\n');
let rules = el_rules.concat(ubo_unbreak_rules);
let resources = AdBlockClient.uBlockResources('uBlockOrigin/src/web_accessible_resources', 'uBlockOrigin/src/js/redirect-engine.js', 'uBlockOrigin/assets/resources/scriptlets.js');
// create client with debug = true
const client = new AdBlockClient.Engine(rules, true);
const serializedArrayBuffer = client.serialize(); // Serialize the engine to an ArrayBuffer
console.log(`Engine size: ${(serializedArrayBuffer.byteLength / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2)} MB`);
console.log("Matching:", client.check("", "", "image"))
// Match with full debuging info
console.log("Matching:", client.check("", "", "image", true))
// No, but still with debugging info
console.log("Matching:", client.check("", "", "script", true))
// Example that inlcludes a redirect response
console.log("Matching:", client.check("", "", "script", true))
- Function for extracting CSP directives
- Generate string representation of a rule when debug mode is off (i.e. initial rule is not available)
- Cosmetic filters