Public trouble shooting site: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/dynamics-365/commerce/development-sdks/ecommerce-clone-module-issues
Don't need LCS VM + Retail SDK, normal DEV Box(Visual stuido 2017(2019)/Visual Studio code + .Net Core/.Net Frameork) is OK to develop commerce extension (POS, CRT,Retail Server).
Any changes in custom logic, you can nonly build the corresponding extension installer, un-install and re-install the extension installer, not need build the whole retail SDK and create a Deployable package. MPOS->MPOS Installer, RSSU ->RSSU Installer
The process is simplified. Before we need create retail proxy project, and copy the generated TypeScript Proxy and copy to POS project. Now we have one single C# project for CRT and retail server, and add this project as reference to POS project, the TS proxy will be generated automatically when build the solution
Before we need manually update commerceruntime.ext.config and web.config to add the extension assembly Now we don't need do that. .....
Before doing the below steps, you can refer to this link to understand how we can make store hours sample work on old retail SDK:
1. Create a repo in you github
2. Create a solution
3. Add these C# projects,
Target Framework: .NET Standard 2.0
Output Type : Class Libarary
Nuget Package : Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Sdk.ChannelDatabase
Target Framework: .NET Standard 2.0
Output Type : Class Libarary
Nuget Package : Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Sdk.Runtime
Target Framework: .NET Standard 2.0
Output Type : Class Libarary
Nuget Package : Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Sdk.Pos
Reference Project: CommerceRuntime
Target Framework: .NET Standard 2.0
Output Type : Class Libarary
Nuget Package: Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Sdk.ScaleUnit
Reference Project: POS, ChannelDatabase and CommerceRuntime.
Target Framework: .Net Framework 4.6.1
Output Type: Console Application, that is exe
Reference Projects: POS, ChannelDatabase and CommerceRuntime.
Nuget Package : Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Sdk.Installers.StoreCommerce
ScaleUnit.Installer :
Target Framework: .Net Framework 4.6.1
Output Type: Console Application, that is exe
Reference Projects: POS, ChannelDatabase and CommerceRuntime
Nuget Packages: Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Sdk.Installers.ScaleUnit
4. The generated package from ScaleUnit project can be uploaded to LCS for Cloud-Scale unit update
- cd C:\RetailCloudPos\webroot\Extensions
- set ExtensionPackageName=GHZ.StoreHoursSample
- set AbsolutePathToExtensionPackageProject=C:\NewCommerceSDKRepro\NewCommerceSDK\StoreHoursSample\Pos
- mklink /D %ExtensionPackageName% %AbsolutePathToExtensionPackageProject%
- Install: StoreCommerce.Installer.exe install --Verbosity Trace
- Useful link: https://community.dynamics.com/ax/b/axforretail/posts/introducing-sealed-installers
Clone this repro https://github.com/microsoft/Dynamics365Commerce.ScaleUnit
Put the OOB Scale Unit Installer under the download folder:
Press F5 to debug
POSTMAN to test the API:
Get Store Hours API * url: http://localhost:1802/Commerce/StoreHours/GetStoreDaysByStore?$top=250&$count=true&api-version=7.3 * header: oun 052 * Body: {"StoreNumber":"HOUSTON"} * Method: POST Update store hours API: * url: http://localhost:1802/Commerce/StoreHours(3)/UpdateStoreDayHours?api-version=7.3 * header: oun 052 * Body: {"storeDayHours":{"DayOfWeek":2,"OpenTime":28800,"CloseTime":54800,"Id":2}} * Method: Post