[List of datasets and papers (not exhaustive)]
📈 [2D: 15] [3D: 2]
Name | Type | Year | Class | Prohibited - Negative | Annotations | Views | Open Source |
FSOD | 2D | 2022 | 20 | 12,333 - 0 | bbox | 1 | ✓ [Link] |
EDS | 2D | 2022 | 10 | 14,219 - 0 | bbox | 1 | ✓ [Link] |
Xray-PI | 2D | 2022 | 12 | 2,409 - 0 | bbox, mask | 1 | ✓ [Link] |
PIXray | 2D | 2022 | 12 | 5,046 - 0 | bbox, mask | 1 | ✓ [Link] |
CLCXray | 2D | 2022 | 12 | 9,565 - 0 | bbox | 1 | ✓ [Link] |
HiXray | 2D | 2021 | 8 | 45,364 - 0 | bbox | 1 | ✓ [Link] |
deei6 | 2D | 2021 | 6 | 7,022 - 0 | bbox, mask | 2 | ✕ [Link] |
PIDray | 2D | 2021 | 12 | 47,677 - 0 | bbox, mask | 1 | ✓ [Link] |
AB | 2D | 2021 | -- | 417 - 6,608 | -- | 2 | ✕ [Link] |
dbf4 | 2D | 2020 | 4 | 10,112 - 0 | bbox, mask | 4 | ✕ [Link] |
OPIXray | 2D | 2020 | 5 | 8,885 - 0 | bbox | 1 | ✓ [Link] |
SIXray | 2D | 2019 | 6 | 8,929 - 1,050,0302 | bbox | 1 | ✓ [Link] |
COMPASS-XP | 2D | 2019 | 366 | 1928 - 0 | -- | 1 | ✓ [Link] |
dbf6 | 2D | 2018 | 6 | 11,627 - 0 | bbox, mask | 4 | ✕ [Link] |
GDXray | 2D | 2015 | 5 | 19,407 - 0 | bbox | 1 | ✓ [Link] |
Dur_3D | 3D | 2020 | 5 | 774 - 0 | bbox | -- | ✕ [Link] |
Flitton_3D | 3D | 2015 | 2 | 810 - 2149 | bbox | -- | ✕ [Link] |
📈 [2D: 141] [3D: 38]
- Optimization and Research of Suspicious Object Detection Algorithm in X-ray Image [Link]
- Object Detection and X-Ray Security Imaging: A Survey [Link]
- RWSC-Fusion: Region-Wise Style-Controlled Fusion Network for the Prohibited X-Ray Security Image Synthesis [Link]
- Transformers for Imbalanced Baggage Threat Recognition [Link]
- CTA-FPN: Channel-Target Attention Feature Pyramid Network for Prohibited Object Detection in X-ray Images [Link]
- Material-Aware Path Aggregation Network and Shape Decoupled SIoU for X-ray Contraband Detection [Link]
- Seeing Through the Data: A Statistical Evaluation of Prohibited Item Detection Benchmark Datasets for X-ray Security Screening [Link]
- X-Adv: Physical Adversarial Object Attacks against X-ray Prohibited Item Detection [Link]
- Cascaded structure tensor for robust baggage threat detection [Link]
- Computer Vision on X-ray Data in Industrial Production and Security Applications: A Comprehensive Survey [Link]
- Learning-based Material Classification in X-ray Security Images [Link]
- Few-shot X-ray Prohibited Item Detection: A Benchmark and Weak-feature Enhancement Network [Link]
- Balanced Affinity Loss for Highly Imbalanced Baggage Threat Contour-Driven Instance Segmentation [Link]
- Joint Sub-component Level Segmentation and Classification for Anomaly Detection within Dual-Energy X-Ray Security Imagery [Link]
- Automatic Baggage Threat Detection Using Deep Attention Networks [Link]
- A Multi-Task Semantic Segmentation Network for Threat Detection in X-Ray Security Images [Link]
- Dualray: Dual-View X-ray Security Inspection Benchmark and Fusion Detection Framework [Link]
- MFA-net: Object detection for complex X-ray cargo and baggage security imagery [Link]
- Baggage Threat Recognition Using Deep Low-Rank Broad Learning Detector [Link]
- Exploring Endogenous Shift for Cross-domain Detection: A Large-scale Benchmark and Perturbation Suppression Network [Link]
- Improved YOLOX detection algorithm for contraband in X-ray images [Link]
- LightRay: Lightweight network for prohibited items detection in X-ray images during security inspection [Link]
- Benefits of Decision Support Systems in Relation to Task Difficulty in Airport Security X-Ray Screening [Link]
- Recent Advances in Baggage Threat Detection: A Comprehensive and Systematic Survey [Link]
- Automated Detection of Threat Materials in X -Ray Baggage Inspection System (XBIS) [Link]
- Threat detection in x-ray baggage security imagery using convolutional neural networks [Link]
- X-ray baggage screening and artificial intelligence (AI) [Link]
- Material-aware Cross-channel Interaction Attention (MCIA) for occluded prohibited item detection [Link]
- A Novel Incremental Learning Driven Instance Segmentation Framework to Recognize Highly Cluttered Instances of the Contraband Items [Link]
- How Realistic Is Threat Image Projection for X-ray Baggage Screening? [Link]
- Cross-modal Image Synthesis within Dual-Energy X-ray Security Imagery [Link]
- Recursive CNN Model to Detect Anomaly Detection in X-Ray Security Image [Link]
- Towards More Efficient Security Inspection via Deep Learning: A Task-Driven X-ray Image Cropping Scheme [Link]
- DMA-Net: Dual multi-instance attention network for X-ray image classification [Link]
- X-ray security check image recognition based on attention mechanism [Link]
- A Data Augmentation Method for Prohibited Item X-Ray Pseudocolor Images in X-Ray Security Inspection Based on Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network and Spatial-and-Channel Attention Block [Link]
- Enhanced threat detection in three dimensions: An image-matched comparison of computed tomography and dual-view X-ray baggage screening [Link]
- ETHSeg: An Amodel Instance Segmentation Network and a Real-world Dataset for X-Ray Waste Inspection [Link]
- Anomaly object detection in x-ray images with Gabor convolution and bigger discriminative RoI pooling [Link]
- Intelligent Detection of Dangerous Goods in Security Inspection Based on Cascade Cross Stage YOLOv3 Model [Link]
- A Lightweight Dangerous Liquid Detection Method Based on Depthwise Separable Convolution for X-Ray Security Inspection [Link]
- EAOD-Net: Effective anomaly object detection networks for X-ray images [Link]
- American National Standard for Evaluating the Image Quality of X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) Security-Screening Systems [Link]
- Automated Segmentation of Prohibited Items in X-ray Baggage Images Using Dense De-overlap Attention Snake [Link]
- Programmable Broad Learning System to Detect Concealed and Imbalanced Baggage Threats [Link]
- Few-Shot Segmentation for Prohibited Items Inspection with Patch-based Self-Supervised Learning and Prototype Reverse Validation [Link]
- Augmenting data with GANs for firearms detection in cargo x-ray images [Link]
- Weight-guided dual-direction-fusion feature pyramid network for prohibited item detection in x-ray images [Link]
- Handling occlusion in prohibited item detection from X-ray images [Link]
- Exploiting foreground and background separation for prohibited item detection in overlapping X-Ray images [Link]
- PMix: a method to improve the classification of X-ray prohibited items based on probability mixing [Link]
- Detecting prohibited objects with physical size constraint from cluttered X-ray baggage images [Link]
- Synthetic threat injection using digital twin informed augmentation [Link]
- Target Detection by Target Simulation in X-ray Testing [Link]
- Abnormal object detection in x-ray images with self-normalizing channel attention and efficient data augmentation [Link]
- Raw data processing techniques for material classification of objects in dual energy X-ray baggage inspection systems [Link]
- CTIMS: Automated Defect Detection Framework Using Computed Tomography [Link]
- Super-resolution network for x-ray security inspection [Link]
- Information-exchange Enhanced Feature Pyramid Network (IEFPN) for Detecting Prohibited Items in X-ray Security Images [Link]
- Learning-Based Image Synthesis for Hazardous Object Detection in X-Ray Security Applications [Link]
- X-ray Security Inspection Image Detection Algorithm Based on Improved YOLOv4 [Link]
- A YOLOv5s-SE model for object detection in X-ray security images [Link]
- Prohibited Items Detection in X-ray Images in YOLO Network [Link]
- Automatic and Robust Object Detection in X-Ray Baggage Inspection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks [Link]
- Classify and Localize Threat Items in X-Ray Imagery With Multiple Attention Mechanism and High-Resolution and High-Semantic Features [Link]
- Raw Data Processing Using Modern Hardware for Inspection of Objects in X-Ray Baggage Inspection Systems [Link]
- Temporal Fusion Based Mutli-scale Semantic Segmentation for Detecting Concealed Baggage Threats [Link]
- Automatic Threat Detection Using Deep Neural Networks [Link]
- Towards Real-world X-ray Security Inspection: A High-Quality Benchmark And Lateral Inhibition Module For Prohibited Items Detection [Link]
- A Novel Incremental Learning Driven Instance Segmentation Framework to Recognize Highly Cluttered Instances of the Contraband Items [Link]
- Deep Fusion Driven Semantic Segmentation for the Automatic Recognition of Concealed Contraband Items [Link]
- Brittle Features May Help Anomaly Detection [Link]
- Deep Learning-Based X-Ray Baggage Hazardous Object Detection – An FPGA Implementation [Link]
- Operationalizing Convolutional Neural Network Architectures for Prohibited Object Detection in X-Ray Imagery [Link]
- Towards Automatic Threat Detection: A Survey of Advances of Deep Learning within X-ray Security Imaging [Link]
- On the Impact of Using X-Ray Energy Response Imagery for Object Detection via Convolutional Neural Networks [Link]
- Towards Real-World Prohibited Item Detection: A Large-Scale X-ray Benchmark [Link]
- PANDA: Perceptually Aware Neural Detection of Anomalies [Link]
- Tensor Pooling Driven Instance Segmentation Framework for Baggage Threat Recognition [Link]
- Unsupervised Anomaly Instance Segmentation for Baggage Threat Recognition [Link]
- Symmetric Triangle Network for Object Detection Within X-ray Baggage Security Imagery [Link]
- Anomaly Detection in X-ray Security Imaging: a Tensor-Based Learning Approach [Link]
- Automated Threat Objects Detection with Synthetic Data for Real-Time X-ray Baggage Inspection [Link]
- Evaluating GAN-Based Image Augmentation for Threat Detection in Large-Scale Xray Security Images [Link]
- An X-ray Image Enhancement Algorithm for Dangerous Goods in Airport Security Inspection [Link]
- Baggage Threat Detection Under Extreme Class Imbalance [Link]
- Detecting Overlapped Objects in X-Ray Security Imagery by a Label-Aware Mechanism [Link]
- Contraband Materials Detection Within Volumetric 3D Computed Tomography Baggage Security Screening Imagery [Link]
- On the Evaluation of Semi-Supervised 2D Segmentation for Volumetric 3D Computed Tomography Baggage Security Screening [Link]
- SliceNets — A Scalable Approach for Object Detection in 3D CT Scans [Link]
- DEBISim: A simulation pipeline for dual energy CT-based baggage inspection systems [Link]
- Learning-based Material Classification in X-ray Security Images [Link]
- Multi-label X-ray Imagery Classification via Bottom-up Attention and Meta Fusion [Link]
- Multi-view Object Detection Using Epipolar Constraints within Cluttered X-ray Security Imagery [Link]
- Occluded Prohibited Items Detection: an X-ray Security Inspection Benchmark and De-occlusion Attention Module [Link]
- Trainable Structure Tensors for Autonomous Baggage Threat Detection Under Extreme Occlusion [Link]
- Cascaded Structure Tensor Framework for Robust Identification of Heavily Occluded Baggage Items from X-ray Scans [Link]
- Automatic Threat Detection in Baggage Security Imagery using Deep Learning Models [Link]
- Automatic Threat Detection in Single, Stereo (Two) and Multi View X-Ray Images [Link]
- Detecting Prohibited Items in X-Ray Images: a Contour Proposal Learning Approach [Link]
- Background Adaptive Faster R-CNN for Semi-Supervised Convolutional Object Detection of Threats in X-Ray Images [Link]
- X-Ray Baggage Inspection With Computer Vision: A Survey [Link]
- Data Augmentation of X-Ray Images in Baggage Inspection Based on Generative Adversarial Networks [Link]
- Multi-Class 3D Object Detection Within Volumetric 3D Computed Tomography Baggage Security Screening Imagery [Link]
- On the Evaluation of Prohibited Item Classification and Detection in Volumetric 3D Computed Tomography Baggage Security Screening Imagery [Link]
- A Reference Architecture for Plausible Threat Image Projection (TIP) Within 3D X-ray Computed Tomography Volumes [Link]
- An Approach for Adaptive Automatic Threat Recognition Within 3D Computed Tomography Images for Baggage Security Screening [Link]
- Evaluating the Transferability and Adversarial Discrimination of Convolutional Neural Networks for Threat Object Detection and Classification within X-Ray Security Imagery [Link]
- On the Impact of Object and Sub-Component Level Segmentation Strategies for Supervised Anomaly Detection within X-Ray Security Imagery [Link]
- Using Deep Neural Networks to Address the Evolving Challenges of Concealed Threat Detection within Complex Electronic Items [Link]
- On the Use of Deep Learning for the Detection of Firearms in X-ray Baggage Security Imagery [Link]
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Evaluating Convolutional Neural Networks for Prohibited Item Detection Using Real and Synthetically Composite X-ray Imagery [Link]
- Evaluating a Dual Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Object-wise Anomaly Detection in Cluttered X-ray Security Imagery [Link]
- Skip-GANomaly: Skip Connected and Adversarially Trained Encoder-Decoder Anomaly Detection [Link]
- An evaluation of deep learning based object detection strategies for threat object detection in baggage security imagery [Link]
- Deep Convolutional Neural Network Based Object Detector for X-Ray Baggage Security Imagery [Link]
- Automated firearms detection in cargo x-ray images using RetinaNet [Link]
- Toward Automatic Threat Recognition for Airport X-ray Baggage Screening with Deep Convolutional Object Detection [Link]
- “Unexpected Item in the Bagging Area”: Anomaly Detection in X-Ray Security Images [Link]
- Limits on transfer learning from photographic image data to X-ray threat detection [Link]
- Data Augmentation for X-Ray Prohibited Item Images Using Generative Adversarial Networks [Link]
- Modified Adaptive Implicit Shape Model for Object Detection [Link]
- Graph clustering and variational image segmentation for automated firearm detection in X-ray images [Link]
- Semantic Segmentation for Prohibited Items in Baggage Inspection [Link]
- Application of Machine Learning Methods for Material Classification with Multi-energy X-Ray Transmission Images [Link]
- Handgun Detection in Single-Spectrum Multiple X-ray Views Based on 3D Object Recognition [Link]
- On the Relevance of Denoising and Artefact Reduction in 3D Segmentation and Classification within Complex Computed Tomography Imagery [Link]
- On Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network Architectures for Automated Object Detection and Classification within X-ray Baggage Security Imagery [Link]
- GANomaly: Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection via Adversarial Training [Link]
- Multi-view X-ray R-CNN [Link]
- A GAN-Based Image Generation Method for X-Ray Security Prohibited Items [Link]
- Prohibited Item Detection in Airport X-Ray Security Images via Attention Mechanism Based CNN [Link]
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Automatic Threat Detection in Security X-Ray Images [Link]
- Automatic threat recognition of prohibited items at aviation checkpoint with x-ray imaging: a deep learning approach [Link]
- Consensus relaxation on materials of interest for adaptive ATR in CT images of baggage [Link]
- Adaptive Target Recognition: A Case Study Involving Airport Baggage Screening [Link]
- An Evaluation Of Region Based Object Detection Strategies Within X-Ray Baggage Security Imagery [Link]
- On using Feature Descriptors as Visual Words for Object Detection within X-ray Baggage Security Screening [Link]
- Transfer Learning Using Convolutional Neural Networks For Object Classification Within X-Ray Baggage Security Imagery [Link]
- Improving Feature-based Object Recognition for X-ray Baggage Security Screening using Primed Visual Words [Link]
- A Combinational Approach to the Fusion, De-noising and Enhancement of Dual-Energy X-Ray Luggage Images [Link]
- Improving Weapon Detection In Single Energy X-ray Images Through Pseudocoloring [Link]
- A review of X-ray explosives detection techniques for checked baggage [Link]
- A Logarithmic X-Ray Imaging Model for Baggage Inspection: Simulation and Object Detection [Link]
- Automatic Defect Recognition in X-Ray Testing Using Computer Vision [Link]
- Modern Computer Vision Techniques for X-Ray Testing in Baggage Inspection[Link]
- Inspection of Complex Objects Using Multiple-X-Ray Views [Link]
- Automated X-Ray Object Recognition Using an Efficient Search Algorithm in Multiple Views [Link]
- X-Ray Testing by Computer Vision [Link]
- Automated detection in complex objects using a tracking algorithm in multiple X-ray views [Link]
- Threat Objects Detection in X-ray Images Using an Active Vision Approach [Link]
- Object recognition in X-ray testing using an efficient search algorithm in multiple views [Link]
- Modern Computer Vision Techniques for X-Ray Testing in Baggage Inspection [Link]
- Automated Detection of Threat Objects Using Adapted Implicit Shape Model [Link]
- A review of X-ray explosives detection techniques for checked baggage [Link]
- Explosives detection systems (EDS) for aviation security [Link]
- Geometrical Approach for the Automatic Detection of Liquid Surfaces in 3D Computed Tomography Baggage Imagery [Link]
- Materials-Based 3D Segmentation of Unknown Objects from Dual-Energy Computed Tomography Imagery in Baggage Security Screening [Link]
- Object Classification in 3D Baggage Security Computed Tomography Imagery using Visual Codebooks [Link]
- 3D Object Classification in Baggage Computed Tomography Imagery using Randomised Clustering Forests [Link]
- Investigating Existing Medical CT Segmentation Techniques within Automated Baggage and Package Inspection [Link]
- Radon Transform based Metal Artefacts Generation in 3D Threat Image Projection [Link]
- A Comparison of 3D Interest Point Descriptors with Application to Airport Baggage Object Detection in Complex CT Imagery [Link]
- A Distance Weighted Method for Metal Artefact Reduction in CT [Link]
- An Experimental Survey of Metal Artefact Reduction in Computed Tomography [Link]
- An Evaluation of CT Image Denoising Techniques Applied to Baggage Imagery Screening [Link]
- Fully Automatic 3D Threat Image Projection: Application to Densely Cluttered 3D Computed Tomography Baggage Images [Link]
- A Comparison of Classification Approaches for Threat Detection in CT based Baggage Screening [Link]
- A Novel Intensity Limiting Approach to Metal Artefact Reduction in 3D CT Baggage Imagery [Link]
- A 3D Extension to Cortex Like Mechanisms for 3D Object Class Recognition [Link]
- Object Recognition using 3D SIFT in Complex CT Volumes [Link]
- A Classifier based Approach for the Detection of Potential Threats in CT based Baggage Screening [Link]
- A review of automated image understanding within 3D baggage computed tomography security screening [Link]
- A volumetric object detection framework with dual-energy CT [Link]
- Exact Reconstruction for Dual Energy Computed Tomography Using an H-L Curve Method [Link]
- Automatic segmentation of CT scans of checked baggage [Link]
- Automatic Segmentation of Unknown Objects, with Application to Baggage Security [Link]
- ALERT Strategic Studies [Link]
- Joint metal artifact reduction and segmentation of CT images using dictionary-based image prior and continuous-relaxed potts model [Link]
- Using Threat Image Projection Data Forassessing Individual Screener Performance [Link]
- 3D threat image projection [Link]
- Learning-Based Object Identification and Segmentation Using Dual-Energy CT Images for Security [Link]