基于 Vue3 + TypeScript + Vite 开发的常用基础 UI 组件库!全量使用 TypeScript,且都是 SFC!支持 tree shaking!如果好用,记得来颗 ⭐️⭐️ 哦 🫶🫶🫶
Naive Ui Admin 是一款基于 Vue3、Vite3 和 TypeScript 的先进中后台解决方案,集成了前沿的前端技术栈和典型业务模型。它拥有二次封装组件、动态菜单、权限校验、粒子化权限控制等核心功能,旨在帮助企业快速构建高质量的中后台项目。无论在新技术运用或业务实践层面,都能为您提供有力支持,并将持续更新,以满足您不断变化的需求
A server, NAS navigation panel, Homepage, browser homepage. | 一个服务器、NAS导航面板、Homepage、浏览器首页。
A Vue 3 Component Library. Fairly Complete. Theme Customizable. Uses TypeScript. Fast.
User management scaffolding, integration: User password login, mobile login, one-click login, OAuth2 login(Based on JustAuth), jwt, validate code(image, sms, sliderCode), RBAC, Support multi-tenanc…
A lightweight progress bar for vue
For slim progress bars like on YouTube, Medium, etc
thenickdude / OSX-KVM
Forked from kholia/OSX-KVMPersonal fork for testing
proxmox ve tools script(debian9+ can use it).Including email, samba, NFS set zfs max ram, nested virtualization ,docker , pci passthrough etc. for english user,please look the end of readme.
Scripts for packaging virtio-win drivers
A Mac utility that automatically downloads macOS Firmwares / Installers.
💰 A mobile UI toolkit, based on Vue.js 2, designed for financial scenarios.
A lightweight JavaScript utility for dynamically embedding PDFs in HTML documents.
🚀 Generate a smart commit message with Kimi AI support for IntelliJ, PyCharm, WebStorm, and GoLand
Free and Open-source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template and Landing Page
能学到,就赚了,学不到--->肯定没仔细看(丁真), 提醒下看哪块? 1.json->bpmn, 2.条件表达式拼装,3.审批人为空的操作4,会签的配置5.统一从用户中心找人代码
📢 JS achieve the browser title flashing, scrolling, voice prompts, Chrome/Safari/FireFox/IE notice. has no dependencies. It not interfere with any JavaScript libraries or frameworks. has a reasonab…
yshop基于当前流行技术组合的前后端分离商城系统: SpringBoot2+MybatisPlus+SpringSecurity+jwt+redis+Vue的前后端分离的商城系统, 包含商城、sku、运费模板、素材库、小程序直播、拼团、砍价、商户管理、 秒杀、优惠券、积分、分销、会员、充值、多门店等功能
⚙️ NGINX config generator on steroids 💉
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