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scm/src/gmtb_scm_physical_constants.f90, scm/src/gmtb_scm_type_defs.f…
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climbfuji committed Sep 13, 2019
1 parent f74596e commit ee4d3c2
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Showing 3 changed files with 8 additions and 1,189 deletions.
25 changes: 2 additions & 23 deletions scm/src/gmtb_scm_physical_constants.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,34 +7,13 @@ module gmtb_scm_physical_constants

!> \section arg_table_gmtb_scm_physical_constants
!! | local_name | standard_name | long_name | units | rank | type | kind | intent | optional |
!! |------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------|---------------|------|-------------------|-----------|--------|----------|
!! | con_cliq | specific_heat_of_liquid_water_at_constant_pressure | specific heat of liquid water at constant pressure | J kg-1 K-1 | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | con_cp | specific_heat_of_dry_air_at_constant_pressure | specific heat of dry air at constant pressure | J kg-1 K-1 | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | con_cvap | specific_heat_of_water_vapor_at_constant_pressure | specific heat of water vapor at constant pressure | J kg-1 K-1 | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | con_eps | ratio_of_dry_air_to_water_vapor_gas_constants | rd/rv | none | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | con_epsm1 | ratio_of_dry_air_to_water_vapor_gas_constants_minus_one | (rd/rv) - 1 | none | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | con_fvirt | ratio_of_vapor_to_dry_air_gas_constants_minus_one | (rv/rd) - 1 (rv = ideal gas constant for water vapor) | none | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | con_g | gravitational_acceleration | gravitational acceleration | m s-2 | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | con_hfus | latent_heat_of_fusion_of_water_at_0C | latent heat of fusion | J kg-1 | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | con_hvap | latent_heat_of_vaporization_of_water_at_0C | latent heat of evaporation/sublimation | J kg-1 | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | con_pi | pi | ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter | radians | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | con_rd | gas_constant_dry_air | ideal gas constant for dry air | J kg-1 K-1 | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | con_rv | gas_constant_water_vapor | ideal gas constant for water vapor | J kg-1 K-1 | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | con_t0c | temperature_at_zero_celsius | temperature at 0 degrees Celsius | K | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | con_ttp | triple_point_temperature_of_water | triple point temperature of water | K | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | con_vonKarman | vonKarman_constant | vonKarman constant | none | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | cimin | minimum_sea_ice_concentration | minimum sea ice concentration | frac | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | rlapse | air_temperature_lapse_rate_constant | environmental air temperature lapse rate constant | K m-1 | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | con_jcal | joules_per_calorie_constant | joules per calorie constant | J cal-1 | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | con_rhw0 | sea_water_reference_density | sea water reference density | kg m-3 | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | con_sbc | stefan_boltzmann_constant | Steffan-Boltzmann constant | W m-2 K-4 | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! | con_tice | freezing_point_temperature_of_seawater | freezing point temperature of seawater | K | 0 | real | kind_phys | none | F |
!! \htmlinclude gmtb_scm_physical_constants.html
real(kind=dp),parameter:: con_pi =3.1415926535897931

real(kind=dp),parameter:: con_g =9.80665e+0
real(kind=dp),parameter:: con_omega =7.2921e-5
real(kind=dp),parameter:: con_p0 =1.01325e+5

real(kind=dp),parameter:: con_rd =2.8705e+2
real(kind=dp),parameter:: con_rv =4.6150e+2
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion scm/src/gmtb_scm_setup.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ subroutine GFS_suite_setup (Model, Statein, Stateout, Sfcprop,
Init_parm%bdat, Init_parm%cdat, &
Init_parm%tracer_names, &
Init_parm%input_nml_file, Init_parm%tile_num, &
Init_parm%ak, Init_parm%bk, Init_parm%blksz, &
Init_parm%blksz, Init_parm%ak, Init_parm%bk, &
Init_parm%restart, Init_parm%hydrostatic, &
communicator, ntasks, nthreads)

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