├── LaadsDataHandler # Client for NASA LAADS Distributed Active Archive Center
│ ├── laads_client.py # Client to request product list json given roi and date
├── ProcessingPipeline # Figures used in README
├── roi # Region of Interest Folder
│ ├── *.csv # Region of Interest with fire_id, start_date end_date and coordinates
├── convert_csv.py # Script to convert csv downloaded from GEE script to desired format
├── main_large_scale.py # Download NetCDF files according to product list json in parallel
├── main_processing_pipepline.py # Main processing pipeline to project, subset the dataset
├── sanity_check.py # Sanity check on the downloaded NetCDF files and auto-removal, Sanity Check on the GEE upload
├── upload_to_gee.py # Upload to GEE
├── main_mosaic.py # Mosaic given Geotiffs
└── README.md
This repo intends to download VIIRS Level-1 product from NASA LAADS DAAC.
User has to first run main_large_scale.py by feeding the collection_id product_id and the list of fires to download.
After the NetCDF files are downloaded locally, User has to run main_processing_pipeline.py to process the file to geotiff
and subset them to image patches on fire roi.
Key Dependencies: GDAL, Satpy, earthengine-api