Lit is a simple library for building fast, lightweight web components.
Rollup plugin to bundle HTML files
Moved to Polymer/tools monorepo
Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. ๐๐๐
zhaoz / network-canvas
Forked from Youx/network-canvasAn implementation of github "network" graph using HTML5 canvas instead of flash
zhaoz / jquery-ui
Forked from jquery/jquery-uiThe official jQuery user interface library.
Picture gallery with incremental image preloading
minimap for text done with jquery and HTML5 canvas
The official jQuery user interface library.
zhaoz / qunit
Forked from qunitjs/qunitAn easy-to-use JavaScript Unit Testing framework.
An implementation of github "network" graph using HTML5 canvas instead of flash
zhaoz / testswarm
Forked from jquery/testswarmDistributed continuous integration testing for JavaScript.
HTML5 Web Socket implementation powered by Flash
๐ฎ An easy-to-use JavaScript unit testing framework.
Distributed continuous integration testing for JavaScript.
zhaoz / qmpdclient
Forked from Voker57/qmpdclientQMPDClient with NBL additions, such as lyrics' display