A simulator of pan-genome for bacterial population.
- SimPan simulates whole genomic sequences rather than only genes.
- SimPan implements different evolutionary model for core-genome and accessory genomes.
SimPan runs in Python with versions >= 3.5 and requires two libraries:
- numpy
- ete3
SimPan also depends on two published simulators:
Binary files for both dependencies have also been distributed in this repository. Both are compiled in Ubuntu 16.04. If they can not run in your system, or if you prefer a different version of these dependencies, please put the binary files in your environment variable PATH. SimPan will find and use them.
In brief, SimPan
- Uses SimBac to simulate a global phylogeny and recombination events of the bacterial genomes.
- Generate gene contents for both core- and accessory genomes by random indel events.
- Uses indelible to fill in sequences for these pan genes.
Note that indelible can be very slow. If you are only interested in the gene content, use '--noSeq' as an early stop.
python SimPan.py --aveSize 50 --nBackbone 30 --nMobile 1000 -p test --genomeNum 10
To simulate 10 genomes with average of 50 genes each.
#ID 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 28_0 28_0 28_0 28_0 28_0 28_0 28_0 28_0 28_0 28_0
2 5_0 5_0 5_0 5_0 5_0 5_0 5_0 5_0 5_0 5_0
3 - - - - - - 128_0 - - -
4 - - - - - - 719_0 - - -
5 - - - - - - 53_0 - - -
6 - - - - - - 492_0 - - -
7 8_0 8_0 8_0 8_0 8_0 8_0 8_0 8_0 8_0 8_0
Each column except for the first one shows one simulated genome. Each row shows one gene. "-" are missing genes. The gene names suggest their homologous groups and orthologous sub-groups. e.g., 28_0 and 5_0 are in different homologous groups and thus unlikely to be similar, whereas 28_0 and 28_1 belongs to the same homologous group but in different orthologous sub-group. They are distantly related.
This is a multi-sequence alignment of all the simulated genomes.
61 120 - 28 0
236 295 - 5 0
416 475 - 128 0
510 569 - 719 0
651 710 + 53 0
774 833 - 492 0
This file show the coordinates of genes in the genomic alignment (test.aligned.fasta). The five columns are:
- start site
- end site
- direction
- homologous group designation
- orthologous sub-group designation
The gene annotation file for simulated genomes in GFF3 format
The source files for tbl2asn tool from NCBI. GBK file can be generated using these files.
$ python SimPan.py -h
usage: SimPan.py [-h] [-p PREFIX] [--genomeNum GENOMENUM] [--geneLen GENELEN]
[--igrLen IGRLEN] [--backboneBlock BACKBONEBLOCK]
[--mobileBlock MOBILEBLOCK] [--operonBlock OPERONBLOCK]
[--aveSize AVESIZE] [--nBackbone NBACKBONE] [--nCore NCORE]
[--nMobile NMOBILE] [--pBackbone PBACKBONE]
[--pMobile PMOBILE] [--tipAccelerate TIPACCELERATE]
[--rec REC] [--recLen RECLEN] [--seqRec SEQREC]
[--insRec INSREC] [--delRec DELREC] [--noSeq]
[--idenOrtholog IDENORTHOLOG] [--idenParalog IDENPARALOG]
[--idenDuplication IDENDUPLICATION] [--indelRate INDELRATE]
[--indelLen INDELLEN] [--freqStart FREQSTART]
[--freqStop FREQSTOP]
SimPan is a simulator for bacterial pan-genome.
Global phylogeny and tree distortions are derived from SimBac and the gene and intergenic sequences are simulated using indelible.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
prefix for all intermediate files and outputs
--genomeNum GENOMENUM
No of genome in population [DEFAULT: 20]
--geneLen GENELEN [negative bionomial with r=2] mean,min,max sizes of genes [DEFAULT: 900,150,6000]
--igrLen IGRLEN [negative bionomial] mean,min,max sizes of intergenic regions [DEFAULT: 50,0,300]
--backboneBlock BACKBONEBLOCK
[geometric] mean,min,max number of backbone genes per block [DEFAULT: 3,0,30]
--mobileBlock MOBILEBLOCK
[geometric] mean,min,max number of mobile genes per block [DEFAULT: 10,0,100]
--operonBlock OPERONBLOCK
[geometric] mean,min,max number of continuous genes that share the same coding strand [DEFAULT: 3,0,15]
--aveSize AVESIZE average gene number per genome (greater than nBackbone). [DEFAULT: 4500]
--nBackbone NBACKBONE
number of backbone genes (present in common ancestor) per genome. [DEFAULT: 4000]
--nCore NCORE sizea of core gene (smaller than the size of backbone genes). [DEFAULT: 3500]
--nMobile NMOBILE size of mobile gene pool for accessory genome. [DEFAULT: 20000]
--pBackbone PBACKBONE
propotion of paralogs in backbone (core) genes. [DEFAULT: 0.05]
--pMobile PMOBILE propotion of paralogs in mobile (accessory) genes. [DEFAULT: 0.4]
--tipAccelerate TIPACCELERATE
grandient increasing of gene indels in recent times. [DEFAULT: 100]
--rec REC expected coverage of homoplastic events in pairwise comparisons. [DEFAULT: 0.05]
--recLen RECLEN expected size of homoplastic events. [DEFAULT: 1000]
--seqRec SEQREC Use homoplastic events to infer sequences. Use 0 to disable [DEFAULT: 1]
--insRec INSREC Use homoplastic events to infer gene insertions. Use 0 to disable [DEFAULT: 1]
--delRec DELREC Use homoplastic events to infer gene deletions. Use 0 to disable [DEFAULT: 1]
--noSeq Do not infer sequence but only the gene presence/absence. [DEFAULT: False]
--idenOrtholog IDENORTHOLOG
average nucleotide identities for orthologous genes. [DEFAULT: 0.98]
--idenParalog IDENPARALOG
average nucleotide identities for paralogous genes. [DEFAULT: 0.6]
--idenDuplication IDENDUPLICATION
average nucleotide identities for recent gene duplications. [DEFAULT: 0.995]
--indelRate INDELRATE
average frequency of indel events relative to mutation rates. [DEFAULT: 0.01]
--indelLen INDELLEN average size of short indel events within each gene. [DEFAULT:130]
--freqStart FREQSTART
frequencies of start codons of ATG,GTG,TTG. DEFAULT: 0.83,0.14,0.03
--freqStop FREQSTOP frequencies of stop codons of TAA,TAG,TGA. DEFAULT: 0.63,0.08,0.29