A simple script that can efficiently group divergent amino acid sequences into clusters based on the coverage of their alignments
Python >= 3.5
Install required Python packages
pip install -r requirment.txt
- Install required 3rd party packages
- ncbi-blast: ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/executables/blast+/LATEST/
- mcl: https://github.com/JohannesBuchner/mcl
- usearch: http://www.drive5.com/usearch/download.html (32-bit version is free for individual use)
ncbi-blast and mcl can also be installed using apt-get
in ubuntu by:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ncbi-blast+ mcl
- Modify "diverseClust.ini" to link installed executable files.
It reads:
usearch = /home/zhemin/software/usearch11.0.667_i86linux32
makeblastdb = makeblastdb
blastp = blastp
mcl = mcl
at the moment. Change the values after the "=" symbols to the actual links to the files.
python diverseClust.py -q examples/examples.fa
The expected output is:
Pre-clustering using usearch. Results in examples/examples.fa.repr and examples/examples.fa.uc
Running BLASTp to generate examples/examples.fa.bsp
Parsing BLASTp results into examples/examples.fa.abc
Running MCL to obtain clusters in examples/examples.fa.mcl
Final outputs are saved in examples/examples.fa.diverseClust
python diverseClust.py --help
To get help page
Usage: diverseClust.py [OPTIONS]
-q, --query TEXT amino acid sequences to be clustered. Multi-FASTA
format. REQUIRED. [required]
-p, --prefix TEXT Prefix of outputs. [DEFAULT: same as query name]
-i, --min_id FLOAT Minimal accepted identity in BLASTp [DEFAULT: 0.3]
-c, --min_cov FLOAT Minimal alignment covereage to the smaller sequence
in BLASTp [DEFAULT: 0.8]
--min_cov2 FLOAT Minimal alignment covereage to the larger sequence in
-I, --inflation FLOAT Inflation factor for MCL. [DEFAULT: 2.0]
--help Show this message and exit.