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finish pumping lemma
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zhengyao-lin committed Aug 4, 2019
1 parent cd00832 commit 723e3d5
Showing 1 changed file with 248 additions and 5 deletions.
253 changes: 248 additions & 5 deletions src/indprop.v
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Expand Up @@ -883,16 +883,259 @@ Proof.
* apply H2. apply H3.

(* Exercise 20 *)
Fixpoint pumping_constant {T} (re: @reg_exp T): nat :=
match re with
| EmptySet => 0
| EmptyStr => 1
| Char _ => 2
| App re1 re2 =>
pumping_constant re1 + pumping_constant re2
| Union re1 re2 =>
pumping_constant re1 + pumping_constant re2
| Star _ => 1

Fixpoint napp {T} (n: nat) (l: list T): list T :=
match n with
| 0 => []
| S n' => l ++ napp n' l

Lemma napp_plus:
forall T (n m: nat) (l: list T),
napp (n + m) l = napp n l ++ napp m l.
intros T n m l.
induction n as [|n IHn].
- reflexivity.
- simpl. rewrite IHn, app_assoc. reflexivity.

Lemma le_false_le:
forall a b,
a <=? b = false ->
b <= a.
induction a as [| a' IH].
- intros. discriminate.
- intros.
destruct (a' =? b) eqn:E1.
+ apply eqb_eq in E1.
rewrite E1.
apply le_S. apply le_n.
+ apply le_S. apply IH.
destruct (a' <=? b) eqn:E2.
* apply leb_complete in E2.
inversion E2.
-- rewrite H1 in E1.
rewrite <- eqb_refl in E1.
-- apply n_le_m__Sn_le_Sm in H0.
rewrite H2 in H0.
apply leb_correct in H0.
rewrite H0 in H.
* reflexivity.

Lemma le_plus_b:
forall a b c,
a <= b <-> a + c <= b + c.
intros a b c.
induction c as [| c' IH].
- split.
+ intros. rewrite (plus_comm a 0), (plus_comm b 0).
simpl. apply H.
+ intros. rewrite (plus_comm a 0), (plus_comm b 0) in H.
simpl in H. apply H.
- split.
+ intros.
rewrite (plus_comm a (S c')), (plus_comm b (S c')).
rewrite <- S_a_plus_b.
rewrite <- S_a_plus_b.
apply n_le_m__Sn_le_Sm.
rewrite (plus_comm c' a), (plus_comm c' b).
apply IH.
apply H.
+ intros.
rewrite (plus_comm a (S c')), (plus_comm b (S c')) in H.
rewrite <- S_a_plus_b in H.
rewrite <- S_a_plus_b in H.
apply Sn_le_Sm__n_le_m in H.
rewrite (plus_comm c' a), (plus_comm c' b) in H.
apply IH in H. apply H.

Lemma le_lem:
forall a b c d,
a + b <= c + d ->
a <= c \/ b <= d.
intros a b c d H.
destruct (a <=? c) eqn:E1.
- apply leb_complete in E1.
left. apply E1.
- apply le_false_le in E1.
apply (le_plus_b c a d) in E1.
assert (H' := le_trans _ _ _ H E1).
rewrite (plus_comm a b), (plus_comm a d) in H'.
apply le_plus_b in H'.
right. apply H'.

Theorem le_plus_r:
forall a b c, a + b <= c -> a <= c.
intros a b c H.
induction b as [| b' IH].
- rewrite plus_comm in H. simpl in H.
apply H.
- apply IH. rewrite plus_comm in H.
rewrite <- S_a_plus_b in H.
destruct c.
+ inversion H.
+ apply Sn_le_Sm__n_le_m in H.
apply le_S.
rewrite plus_comm in H.
apply H.

Lemma list_length_0:
forall X l, @length X l = 0 -> l = [].
destruct l.
- reflexivity.
- discriminate.

Lemma pumping:
forall T (re: @reg_exp T) s,
s =~ re ->
pumping_constant re <= length s ->
exists s1 s2 s3,
s = s1 ++ s2 ++ s3 /\
s2 <> [] /\
forall m, s1 ++ napp m s2 ++ s3 =~ re.
intros T re s Hmatch.
induction Hmatch as
| x
| s1 re1 s2 re2 Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2
| s1 re1 re2 Hmatch IH
| re1 s2 re2 Hmatch IH
| re
| s1 s2 re Hmatch1 IH1 Hmatch2 IH2
- simpl. intros. inversion H.
- simpl. intros. inversion H. inversion H2.
- simpl. intros.
rewrite app_length in H.
apply le_lem in H. destruct H as [H | H].
+ (* s1 is longer than the pumping length of re1 *)
destruct (IH1 H) as
[IH1'1 [IH1'2 IH1'3]]
exists s1'x, s1'y, (s1'z ++ s2).
{ rewrite IH1'1.
rewrite app_assoc, app_assoc, app_assoc.
reflexivity. }
{ apply IH1'2. }
{ intros.
rewrite app_assoc, app_assoc.
apply MApp.
- rewrite <- app_assoc. apply IH1'3.
- apply Hmatch2. }
+ (* s2 is longer than the pumping length of re2 *)
destruct (IH2 H) as
[IH2'1 [IH2'2 IH2'3]]
exists (s1 ++ s2'x), s2'y, s2'z.
{ rewrite IH2'1.
rewrite app_assoc, app_assoc.
reflexivity. }
{ apply IH2'2. }
{ intros.
rewrite <- app_assoc.
apply MApp.
- apply Hmatch1.
- apply IH2'3. }
- (* left union, pump in the same way as s1 *)
intros. simpl in H.
apply le_plus_r in H.
destruct (IH H) as
[IH1 [IH2 IH3]]
exists s1'x, s1'y, s1'z.
{ apply IH1. }
{ apply IH2. }
{ intros. apply MUnionL. apply IH3. }
- (* right union, pump in the same way as s2 *)
intros. simpl in H.
rewrite plus_comm in H.
apply le_plus_r in H.
destruct (IH H) as
[IH1 [IH2 IH3]]
exists s2'x, s2'y, s2'z.
{ apply IH1. }
{ apply IH2. }
{ intros. apply MUnionR. apply IH3. }
- intros. inversion H.
- intros. simpl in H. rewrite app_length in H.
destruct (length s1) eqn:E.
+ (* if s1 is empty, pump the same way as s2 *)
simpl in H.
apply list_length_0 in E.
rewrite E. simpl.
apply (IH2 H).
+ (* s1 non empty, pump with s1 *)
exists [], s1, s2.
{ reflexivity. }
{ destruct s1. discriminate.
intros H'. discriminate. }
{ simpl. intros m.
induction m as [| m' IH].
- simpl. apply Hmatch2.
- assert (H': S m' = 1 + m').
{ reflexivity. }
rewrite H'.
rewrite napp_plus.
rewrite <- app_assoc.
apply MStarApp.
+ simpl. rewrite app_nil_r. apply Hmatch1.
+ apply IH. }

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