espnet Public
Forked from yangxjzwd1/espnetThe code for the paper 'Homophone-based Label Smoothing in End-to-End Automatic Speech Recognition'
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 8, 2020 -
DCGAN-tensorflow Public
Forked from carpedm20/DCGAN-tensorflowA tensorflow implementation of "Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks"
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 5, 2018 -
Persistence-Homology-and-TV Public
This project is about the algorithms in my PhD thesis.
MIT License UpdatedOct 1, 2017 -
shadowsocksr Public
Forked from shadowsocksr-backup/shadowsocksrPython port of ShadowsocksR
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 18, 2017 -
WGAN-tensorflow Public
Forked from Zardinality/WGAN-tensorflowa tensorflow implementation of WGAN which runs on Ali cloud PAI
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 25, 2017 -
tensorflow_CTC_example Public
Forked from jonrein/tensorflow_CTC_exampleA short example of training a bidirectional LSTM model with connectionist temporal classification
Python UpdatedJul 27, 2016