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Sep 13, 2019
Sep 13, 2019
Sep 13, 2019

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ATAC-seq or DNase-seq data processing pipeline.

Require Software

  • Java (have been installed)
  • Conda ( ! ! ! NOTE: Conda version is 4.5.12)
  • bds (BigDataScript)
  • For python2 (python 2.x >= 2.7) and R-3.x, requirements.txt (package version)
  • For python3, requirements_py3.txt (package version)


Conda (current version 4.5.12)

Download and install

$ cd $HOME
$ wget
$ bash

Answer yes for the final question. If you choose no, you need to manually add Miniconda3 to your $HOME/.bashrc.

Do you wish the installer to prepend the Miniconda3 install location
to PATH in your /your/home/.bashrc ? [yes|no]
[no] >>> yes

Run source ~/.bashrc after install.

Run conda -V to check conda version.

if you conda version high than current version (4.5.12), you can reduce version use conda install conda=4.5.12

Add channels (IMPORTANT )

$ conda config --add channels defaults
$ conda config --add channels conda-forge
$ conda config --add channels bioconda
$ conda config --add channels TUNA/anaconda/pkgs/main
$ conda config --add channels TUNA/anaconda/pkgs/free
$ conda config --add channels TUNA/anaconda/cloud/conda-forge/


! ! ! NOTE : If you have install ChIP-seq pipeline, skip this step !

Install BigDataScript v0.99999e (forked) on your system. The original BDS v0.99999e does not work correctly with the pipeline (see PR #142 and issue #131).

$ wget -O bds_Linux.tgz
$ mv bds_Linux.tgz $HOME && cd $HOME && tar zxvf bds_Linux.tgz

Add export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.bds to your $HOME/.bashrc. If Java memory occurs, add export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms256M -Xmx728M -XX:ParallelGCThreads=1" too.


Get ATAC-seq pipeline.

$ wget
$ unzip


Install software dependencies automatically. It will create two conda environments (bds_atac and bds_atac_py3) under your conda.

$ cd atac_dnase_pipelines
$ bash

NOTE : If fails, run ./, fix problems and then try bash again.

Genome data

Install genome data for a specific genome [GENOME]. Currently hg19, mm9, hg38 and mm10 are available. Specify a directory [DATA_DIR] to download genome data. A species file generated on [DATA_DIR] will be automatically added to your ./default.env so that the pipeline knows that you have installed genome data using If you want to install multiple genomes make sure that you use the same directory [DATA_DIR] for them. Each genome data will be installed on [DATA_DIR]/[GENOME]. If you use other BDS pipelines, it is recommended to use the same directory [DATA_DIR]to save disk space.

NOTE: can take longer than an hour for downloading data and building index. DO NOT run the script on a login node, use qlogin for SGE and srun --pty bash for SLURM.

$ cd $PATH/ChIP-seq/TF_chipseq_pipeline 
$ bash [GENOME] [DATA_DIR]


Fastq QC

  • Whenever you want to process fastq file, the first one to do is check the quality of fastq file.

    $ fastqc test_1.fastq.gz -o ./
  • If quality is good then you can run the ChIP-seq pipeline, otherwise you need processed fastq data to clean data. (For example : adapter error, bar code error) (Note : cutadapter or trim_galore can be used to covert raw data to clean data).

Run pipeline with a configure file

$ bds $PATH/atac_dnase_pipelines/atac.bds [congure_file]
### $PATH need to replace to you own path of atac_dnase_pipelines

Parameters from a configure file:

### for pair-end fastq (no replicate)
type = atac-seq
species = [GENOME]
pe = true
enable_idr = true
fastq1_1 = "...."
fastq1_2 = "...."
out_dir = [path of output result directory]
#### NOTE : if you want to process DNase-seq data ,you need to revise type = dnase-seq
### for dignal-end fastq (no replicate)
type = atac-seq
species = [GENOME]
se = true
enable_idr = true
fastq1 = "...."
out_dir = [path of output result directory]
#### NOTE : if you want to process DNase-seq data ,you need to revise type = dnase-seq

More detailed information see below:

Input data type

There are four data types; fastq, bam, filt_bam and tag .

  • For multiple replicates (PE), specify fastqs with -fastq[REP_ID]_[PAIR_ID].
  • For multiple replicates (SE), specify fastqs with -fastq[REP_ID]:
## for pair-end fastq (with replicate)
type = atac-seq
species = [GENOME]
pe = true
enable_idr = true
fastq1_1 = "...."
fastq1_2 = "...."
fastq2_1 = "...."
fastq2_2 = "...."
out_dir = [path of output result directory]
#### NOTE : if you want to process DNase-seq data ,you need to revise type = dnase-seq
## for signal-end fastq (with replicate)
### for dignal-end fastq (no replicate)
type = atac-seq
species = [GENOME]
se = true
enable_idr = true
fastq1 = "...."
fastq2 = "...."
out_dir = [path of output result directory]
#### NOTE : if you want to process DNase-seq data ,you need to revise type = dnase-seq

Output directory structure and file name

out                               # root dir. of outputs
├ *report.html                    #  HTML report
├ *tracks.json                    #  Tracks datahub (JSON) for WashU browser
├ ENCODE_summary.json             #  Metadata of all datafiles and QC results
├ align                           #  mapped alignments
│ ├ rep1                          #   for true replicate 1 
│ │ ├ *.trim.fastq.gz             #    adapter-trimmed fastq
│ │ ├ *.bam                       #    raw bam
│ │ ├ *.nodup.bam (E)             #    filtered and deduped bam
│ │ ├ *.tagAlign.gz               #    tagAlign (bed6) generated from filtered bam
│ │ ├ *.tn5.tagAlign.gz           #    TN5 shifted tagAlign for ATAC pipeline (not for DNase pipeline)
│ │ └ *.*M.tagAlign.gz            #    subsampled tagAlign for cross-corr. analysis
│ ├ rep2                          #   for true repilicate 2
│ ...
│ ├ pooled_rep                    #   for pooled replicate
│ ├ pseudo_reps                   #   for self pseudo replicates
│ │ ├ rep1                        #    for replicate 1
│ │ │ ├ pr1                       #     for self pseudo replicate 1 of replicate 1
│ │ │ ├ pr2                       #     for self pseudo replicate 2 of replicate 1
│ │ ├ rep2                        #    for repilicate 2
│ │ ...                           
│ └ pooled_pseudo_reps            #   for pooled pseudo replicates
│   ├ ppr1                        #    for pooled pseudo replicate 1 (rep1-pr1 + rep2-pr1 + ...)
│   └ ppr2                        #    for pooled pseudo replicate 2 (rep1-pr2 + rep2-pr2 + ...)
├ peak                             #  peaks called
│ └ macs2                          #   peaks generated by MACS2
│   ├ rep1                         #    for replicate 1
│   │ ├ *.narrowPeak.gz            #     narrowPeak (p-val threshold = 0.01)
│   │ ├ *.filt.narrowPeak.gz (E)   #     blacklist filtered narrowPeak 
│   │ ├ * (E)        #     narrowPeak bigBed
│   │ ├ *.narrowPeak.hammock.gz    #     narrowPeak track for WashU browser
│   │ ├ *.pval0.1.narrowPeak.gz    #     narrowPeak (p-val threshold = 0.1)
│   │ └ *.pval0.1.*K.narrowPeak.gz #     narrowPeak (p-val threshold = 0.1) with top *K peaks
│   ├ rep2                         #    for replicate 2
│   ...
│   ├ pseudo_reps                          #   for self pseudo replicates
│   ├ pooled_pseudo_reps                   #   for pooled pseudo replicates
│   ├ overlap                              #   naive-overlapped peaks
│   │ ├ *.naive_overlap.narrowPeak.gz      #     naive-overlapped peak
│   │ └ *.naive_overlap.filt.narrowPeak.gz #     naive-overlapped peak after blacklist filtering
│   └ idr                           #   IDR thresholded peaks
│     ├ true_reps                   #    for replicate 1
│     │ ├ *.narrowPeak.gz           #     IDR thresholded narrowPeak
│     │ ├ *.filt.narrowPeak.gz (E)  #     IDR thresholded narrowPeak (blacklist filtered)
│     │ └ *.12-col.bed.gz           #     IDR thresholded narrowPeak track for WashU browser
│     ├ pseudo_reps                 #    for self pseudo replicates
│     │ ├ rep1                      #    for replicate 1
│     │ ...
│     ├ optimal_set                 #    optimal IDR thresholded peaks
│     │ └ *.filt.narrowPeak.gz (E)  #     IDR thresholded narrowPeak (blacklist filtered)
│     ├ conservative_set            #    optimal IDR thresholded peaks
│     │ └ *.filt.narrowPeak.gz (E)  #     IDR thresholded narrowPeak (blacklist filtered)
│     ├ pseudo_reps                 #    for self pseudo replicates
│     └ pooled_pseudo_reps          #    for pooled pseudo replicate
├ qc                              #  QC logs
│ ├ *IDR_final.qc                 #   Final IDR QC
│ ├ rep1                          #   for true replicate 1
│ │ ├ *.align.log                 #    Bowtie2 mapping stat log
│ │ ├ *.dup.qc                    #    Picard (or sambamba) MarkDuplicate QC log
│ │ ├ *.pbc.qc                    #    PBC QC
│ │ ├ *.nodup.flagstat.qc         #    Flagstat QC for filtered bam
│ │ ├ *                    #    Cross-correlation analysis score for tagAlign
│ │ ├ *          #    Cross-correlation analysis plot for tagAlign
│ │ └ *_qc.html/txt               #    ATAQC report
│ ...
├ signal                          #  signal tracks
│ ├ macs2                         #   signal tracks generated by MACS2
│ │ ├ rep1                        #    for true replicate 1 
│ │ │ ├ *.pval.signal.bigwig (E)  #     signal track for p-val
│ │ │ └ *.fc.signal.bigwig   (E)  #     signal track for fold change
│ ...
│ └ pooled_rep                    #   for pooled replicate
├ report                          # files for HTML report
└ meta                            # text files containing md5sum of output files and other metadata


Library Complexity

  • NRF=Distinct/Total (NRF (Non-Redundant Fraction) : Number of distinct uniquely mapping reads(i.e. after removing duplicates) /Total number of reads)

  • PBC1=OnePair/Distinct (One Read Pairs : number of genomic locations where exactly one read maps uniquely)

  • PBC2=OnePair/TwoPair (Two Read Pairs : number of genomic locations where exactly two read maps uniquely )

    PBC1 PBC2 Bottlenecking level NRF Complexity Flag colors
    <0.7 <1 Severe <0.7 Concerning Orange
    0.7<=PBC1<=0.9 1<=PBC2<=3 Moderate 0.7<=NFR<=0.9 Acceptable Yellow
    >0.9 >3 None >0.9 Ideal None

TSS enrichment score

  • The TSS enrichment calculation is a singal to noise calculation.

  • The TSS enrichment score is association with reference genome.

    hg19 hg38 mm9 mm10
    Concerning <6 <5 <5 <10
    Acceptable 6-10 5-7 5-7 10-15
    Ideal >10 >7 >7 >1




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