Status : Active
ROS Melodic, Ubuntu 18.04, Turtlebot3 packages
This project aims to develop a LQR controller to control Turtlebot 3 and navigate it in a pure pursuit path.
Please copy the package to your workspace_folder/src and follow the steps listed.
•Execute catkin_make
in your work space folder
•Execute source devel/setup.bash
•Execute roscore
•Execute roslaunch path-planner lqrTurtlebot.launch
for default spawn location (origin)
•Please pass in the arguments for x_pos, y_pos, z_pos by following this line
roslaunch path-planner lqrTurtlebot.launch x_pos:=value y_pos:= value z_pos:= value
In order to change the robot, execute export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=model
where model includes burger,waffle and wafflePi
ROS Melodic Installation
ROS Tutorials
Turtlebot3 Quick start
Turtlebot3 Simulation packages
Turtlebot3 messages
Control Toolbox C++
J.Snider.,Automatic Steering Methods for Autonomous Automobile Path Tracking, 2011.
R Siegwart, I R Nourbaksh,Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots, MIT Press, 2004.
G. Oriolo, A. D. Luca, and M. Vendittelli, WMR control via dynamic feedback linearization: design, implementation, and experimental validation, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 835–852, 2002.