We use ConvNetQuake to train our own model for events classification based on the wenchuan aftershocks and use it to classify earthquakes from one day continous waveform(2008-07-25) of one station (MXI).In this day there are about 43 "obvious" earthquakes and more than 170 "trival" earthquakes (see the image below).We use ConvNetQuake and STA/LTA to identify them automatically,both two methods can detect all the "obvious" earthquakes,but CNN win STA/lTA in detecting "trival" earthquakes,besides,CNN has less false recognition than STA/LTA.
For ConvNetQuake refer to: Perol., T, M. Gharbi and M. Denolle. Convolutional Neural Network for Earthquake detection and location. preprint arXiv:1702.02073, 2017.
赵明,陈石,Dave.A.Yuen,基于深度学习卷积神经网络的地震波形自动分类与识别,地球物理学报,in review
The continious wavaform of MXI,2008-07-25
All CNN identified slices with prob>0.1,abosolute ampitude
We also use classic STA/LTA Algorithm for a comparison:
All CNN identified slices with prob>0.1,normalized ampitude
- Download repository
- Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Add directory to python path:
Download the data (roughly 110 Mb) and symlink to data ln -s data Downloads/data The continuous waveform data is in ./data
The data
directory contains:
: the continious waveform datadayplot.py
: a script to plot the continious waveformmerge_dayplot.py
: a merge scriptXX.MXI_dayplot_[0-64800].png
: marked earthquakes of the dayXX.MXI_dayplot_hand_picks.png
:hand picked events
We provide a catalog ("MXI_catalog_for_train.txt") for train dataset,you can send a request to CENC or dmc and download the related waveform data. We also provided a train dataset with about 2000 events samples,please download from mz
We also privided a model which was trained on over 20000 earthquakes slices (30s) and over 60000 slices of noises (30s)
The directory trained_model
: trained model
./bin/predict_from_stream.py --stream_path data --checkpoint_dir trained_model/ConvNetQuake --n_clusters 2 --window_size 30 --window_step 31 --output predict_MXI_one_day --plot --save_sac
It will generate a dir "predict_MXI_one_day",which contains:
: the image of events,the name of the image contain its probility(prob) and its starttime,like "MXI_0.50053_2008-07-25T03_07_18.000000Z.png"viz_not
: the image of noise,notice the higher prob,the more likely it is an events,actually when the prob>0.1 there is a large chance it is an event.sac
: the slice data of viz
It proved using overlapping windows will get better results,however,the events will be identified more than once,you can choose the one with highest probility.To run,just uncomment "
#lists = np.arange(0,30,5)
" in predict_from_stream.py
./trigger_by_sta_lta.py --stream_path data --output out_STA_LTA_MXI --save_mseed --window_step 20
We provide a hand-picked catalog(MXI_20080725_hand_pick_PS.txt
) for users to compare with their own results.A qulified trained model should be able to find out all the earthquakes in this catalog.