Extract geo info from tweet corpus. Read from a folder of gz files, in which one line stores a tweet json.
The output are separate gz files that store a json in each line, where the json contains [tweet_time, tweet_id, user_id, geo, coordinates, place, text].
- To run the script, python 3 should be installed already.
- Increase or decrease the number of threads (4 in default) in the process.py if necessary.
How to use:
Execute 'script.py [arg1] [arg2]' in terminal (cd to the script folder or use its absolute path).
- arg1 is the folder directory that contains all gz files
- arg2 is the folder directory to store the processed files
- If not input, the script will ask again or set to the default.
python process.py D:\tweet_data\gz_files D:\tweet_data\processed
You can run the test.py first to check whether it can produce the right file.