Image editor and engine using CoreImage
⚠️ Currently, API is not stable. It may change in the future.
Currently accepting PRs that impement these features.
✈️ Pretty Good - 🚀Blazing Fast
- Crop
- Straighten
- Perspective
- ColorCube (Look Up Table)
⚠️ Currently, Pixel does not contain LUT. Demo app has sample LUTs.
And also, here is interesting article
- Brightness
- Contrast
- Saturation
- Highlights
- Shadows
- Temperature
- GaussianBlur
- Vignette
- Color (Shadows / Highlights)
- Fade
- Sharpen
- Clarity
- Swift 4.2 (Xcode10+)
- iOS 10+ contains the sample code.
Please check out Sources/Demo/EditorViewController.swift
let image: UIImage
let controller = PixelEditViewController(image: image)
- as Modal
Because, PixelEditViewController
needs UINavigationBar
let controller: PixelEditViewController
let navigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: controller)
self.present(navigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)
- as Push
We can push the controller in UINavigationController.
let controller: PixelEditViewController
self.navigationController.push(controller, animated: true)
has delegate protocol called PixelEditViewControllerDelegate
public protocol PixelEditViewControllerDelegate : class {
func pixelEditViewController(_ controller: PixelEditViewController, didEndEditing image: UIImage)
func pixelEditViewControllerDidCancelEditing(in controller: PixelEditViewController)
does not know how to dismiss or pop by itself.
So we need to control PixelEditViewController
Basically, it's like following code, recommend dismiss or pop in methods of delegate.
extension EditorViewController : PixelEditViewControllerDelegate {
func pixelEditViewController(_ controller: PixelEditViewController, didEndEditing image: UIImage) {
self.navigationController?.popToViewController(self, animated: true)
func pixelEditViewControllerDidCancelEditing(in controller: PixelEditViewController) {
self.navigationController?.popToViewController(self, animated: true)
We can take current editing as instance of EditingStack
from PixelEditViewController.editingStack
If we want to restore editing after closed PixelEditViewController
, we use this.
let editingStack = controller.editingStack
// close editor
// and then when show editor again
let controller = PixelEditViewController(editingStack: editingStack)
We can use LUT(LookUpTable) with CIColorCubeFilter.
LUT is like this (Dimension is 64)
import PixelEngine
let lutImage: UIImage
let filter = FilterColorCube(
name: "Filter Name",
identifier: "Filter Identifier",
lutImage: lutImage,
dimension: 64
let storage = ColorCubeStorage(filters: [filter])
let controller = PixelEditViewController(image: image, colorCubeStorage: storage)
And also, if we don't specify colorCubeStorage, use default
// set
ColorCubeStorage.default.filters = filters
// get
We can customize UI for control area.
There is Options
struct in PixelEditor.
We can create options that fit our usecases.
So, If we need to change ExposureControl, override ExposureControlBase class. Then set that class to Options.
let options = Options.default()
options.classes.control.brightnessControl = MyExposureControl.self
It's like using custom Cell in UICollectionView. If you have any better idea for this, please tell us💡.
We can also customize whole UI.
Override options.classes.control.rootControl
, then build UI from scratch.
Strings in UI can be localized with L10n
import PixelEditor
PixelEditor.L10n.done = "保存"
// or
PixelEditor.L10n.done = NSLocalizedString...
Pixel is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'PixelEngine'
pod 'PixelEditor'
For Carthage, add the following to your Cartfile
github "muukii/Pixel"
If you need more features, please open issue or submit PR! Muukii may not know the approach to take for implementing them, So your PR will be very helpful.
To develop Pixel, setup environment of development with following code.
$ pod install
$ open Pixel.xcworkspace
Muukii ([email protected])
Pixel is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.