Export all portals, links, fields and system broadcasts in a specific area.
Node.js, MongoDB
npm install
npm install -g grunt-cli
See config.coffee.default
for details.
You need to copy and rename to config.coffee
first before running.
Remember to execute grunt
after you modifying config.coffee
or updating repo.
node build/app.js
--portals Request portals information
--broadcasts Request public broadcast messages
--export Export portals (output to stdout)
--trace Trace a player's destroy/deploy/link history (experimental)
--farm Find farms (experimental)
--detect false Don't detect munge data & player info (optional)
Overwrites --detectmunge and --detectplayer
(You may need this when using --export, --trace or --farm)
--detectmunge false Don't detect munge data (optional)
--detectplayer false Don't detect player info (optional)
--cookie COOKIE The cookie to use (overwrite config.coffee, optional)
Requesting portals (--portals
--new -n Start new requests (otherwise continue, optional)
--detail false Don't request portals details (faster, optional)
Requesting broadcasts (--broadcasts
--new -n Start new requests (otherwise continue, optional)
--tracedays N Trace history of N days (overwrite config.coffee, optional)
Exporting portals (--export
--title -t Include title
--latlng -l Include lat & lng
--id -i Include guid
--image -I Include image URI
--output FILE Output to the file instead of stdout (optional)
Tracing player (--trace
--player PLAYER The player to trace (case sensitive)
--output FILE Output to the file instead of stdout (optional)
Finding farms (--farm
--radius R Minimum distance of portals (unit: m) (default: 500)
--nearby N Minimum nearby portals for a farm (default: 5)
--level LEVEL Minimum level of portals (default: 7)
--team RES|ENL|ALL Farm filter (default: ALL)
--output FILE Output to the file instead of stdout (optional)
Using this script is likely to be considered against the Ingress Terms of Service. Any use is at your own risk.
The MIT License