New Features
- Added “overflow”:”scroll” to legend and added “highlight-legend”:true | false to plot
- Various maps updates.
- Added “week”, “month” and “year” step sizes on time series scales
- Fixed shared crosshair on YX charts
- Fixed scrolling on YX charts
- Improvements on piano (heat map), added rules for value-box elements to be able to style the node and the value-box independently
- Bubble charts now accept negative values. The absolute value is
used. A rule to differentiate positive from negative values is recommended
- plotarea -> mask-tolerance now accepts an array of 2 values, [(normal layer tolerance in pixels), (hover layer tolerance in pixels)] values, allowing objects/nodes which go outside the plotarea to still be visible
Bug Fixes
- Fixed multiple value-box objects on pie and pie3d charts charts
- Fixed style conflicts when existing page style has a title attribute
- Fixed html-mode tooltips when rendering in canvas
- Math fixes when dealing with very small numbers
- Fixes on guide lines on opposite scales
- Pixel overlap fix on histogram charts
- Preview box now inherits the bg style of the plotarea