Fetch the project with the proper go tool.
$ go get -d -v github.com/ebakus/ebakus-block-explorer-backend
Build both executables.
$ $GOPATH/src/github.com/ebakus/ebakus-block-explorer-backend/scripts/build.sh
Connect to your database and execute the provided sql file located in the schema directory to create all the required tables.
$ psql -d YOUR_DB_NAME -a -f ./schema/create.sql
Start the ebakus node. For example:
$ ebakus-linux-amd64 --testnet
To use the crawler run:
$ $GOPATH/bin/ebakus_crawler fetchblocks --ipc ~/.ebakus/testnet/ebakus.ipc --dbname YOUR_DB_NAME --dbuser YOUR_DB_USER --dbpass YOUR_DB_PASS
To start the explorer (webapi) run:
$ $GOPATH/bin/ebakus_explorer --dbname YOUR_DB_NAME --dbuser YOUR_DB_USER --dbpass YOUR_DB_PASS