Open-Source Firmware for ZY12PDN USB Power Delivery Trigger
Fast Python reader and editor for ASAM MDF / MF4 (Measurement Data Format) files
FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
Bluetooth support for the Web.
Parse CAN logs and visualize data streams on plot
A compilation of small utilities used in Fueled projects
Xcode iPhoneOS (iOS) DeviceSupport files (6.0 - 17.0)
Arduino library version of espressif's official esp-homekit-sdk.
zixzelz / bms-pushnotifications-serversdk-swift
Forked from ibm-bluemix-mobile-services/bms-pushnotifications-serversdk-swiftA server side Swift SDK for Bluemix Push Notifications Service
An Xcode formatter plug-in to format your swift code.
The Foundation Project, providing core utilities, internationalization, and OS independence
A simple OAuth library for iOS with a built-in set of providers
📱 A simple iOS Swift project demonstrates how to implement collapsible table section.
Parse Server for Node.js / Express
ApnsPHP: Apple Push Notification & Feedback Provider
Swipe able, customizable card stack view, Tinder like card stack view based on UICollectionView. Cards UI
Keep It Functional - An iOS Functional Testing Framework
zixzelz / MKMapViewZoom
Forked from vhbit/MKMapViewZoomMKMapView category for supporting zoom level, code belongs to Troy Brant
MKMapView category for supporting zoom level, code belongs to Troy Brant