Patches are always welcomed! Please submit your patches via MoKee Gerrit! You can do this by using these commands:
(From root android directory)
. build/
(Go to repo you are patching, make your changes and commit)
mkgerrit <for(new)/changes(patch set)> <branch/change-id>
repo start jb-mr2_mkt .
(Make your changes and commit)
repo upload .
Note: "." means current directory
For more help on using repo, use this command:
repo help upload
Make your changes and commit with a detailed message, starting with what you are working with (i.e. vision: Update Kernel).
Commit your patches in a single commit. Squash multiple commits using this command:
git rebase -i HEAD~<# of commits>
To view the status of your and others' patches, visit MoKee Code Review
To get started with MoKee OpenSource, you will need to get familiar with Repo and Version Control with Git.
To initialize your local repository using the MoKee trees, use a command like this:
repo init -u -b jb-mr2_mkt
repo init -u ssh://[username] -b jb-mr2_mkt
Then to sync up:
repo sync
To work faster, we introduced a new build script to help you start compiling.
First, go to the root path of your project. We assume that your source is under (/mokee):
cd /mokee
then feel free to use the build script:
./mk [Device] [Variable]
Device: your device name
Variable: additional operations like:
- fix - compile without any cleaning if you are doing a build fix
- clean - do 'make installclean' before compile
- sync - do 'repo sync' before compile
####Example: Your device is maguro and if you run without any variable, it will clean up your build.prop only:
./mk maguro
You want to sync source before starting:
./mk maguro sync
Do a clean compile without deleting whole prebuilt libs:
./mk maguro clean
You are fixing a build and want to resume the build, it will build quicker without any cleaning up:
./mk maguro fix
You can also do it all at once:
./mk maguro sync clean