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Merge pull request ralna#84 from ralna/83-fix-params
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83 fix params: Removes `params_box_type` and methods (pushed vars into new workspace)
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talassio authored Mar 3, 2020
2 parents 2374c3a + 3cb5a58 commit 874abaf
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Showing 11 changed files with 667 additions and 712 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion libRALFit/doc/C/examples.rst
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Expand Up @@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ Examples

This returns the following output:

.. literalinclude:: ../../test/c_example_output.out
.. literalinclude:: ../../test/nlls_c_example.output
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion libRALFit/doc/Fortran/examples.rst
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Expand Up @@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ Examples

This returns the following output:

.. literalinclude:: ../../test/fortran_example_output.out
.. literalinclude:: ../../test/nlls_fortran_example.output
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions libRALFit/doc/common/method.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ minimum of the model with a regularization term added:
.. math::
:label: regsub
\iter{\vs} = \arg \min_{\vs} \ \iter{m} (\vs) + \frac{1}{\Delta_k}\cdot \frac{1}{p} \|\vs\|_B^p,
\iter{\vs} = \arg \min_{\vs} \ \iter{m} (\vs) + \frac{1}{\Delta_k}\cdot \frac{1}{q} \|\vs\|_B^q,
At present, only one method of solving
this subproblem is supported:
Expand All @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ this subproblem is supported:
this solves :eq:`regsub` by first
converting the problem into the form

.. math:: \min_\vp \vw^T \vp + \frac{1}{2} \vp^T \vD \vp + \frac{1}{p}\|\vp\|_2^p,
.. math:: \min_\vp \vw^T \vp + \frac{1}{2} \vp^T \vD \vp + \frac{1}{q}\|\vp\|_2^q,

where :math:`\vD` is a diagonal matrix. We do this by performing an
eigen-decomposition of the Hessian in the model. Then, we call the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -410,10 +410,11 @@ The package supports two options:
Incorporating the regularization term

If a non-zero regularization term is required in
:eq:`lsq`, then this is handled by transforming the
problem internally into a new non-linear least-squares problem.
The formulation used will depend on the value of ``regularization`` in |nlls_options|.
If ``regularization = 0``, then no regularization is added.

A non-zero regularization term can be used in :eq:`lsq` by setting ``regularization`` to be non-zero.
This is done by transforming the problem internally into a new non-linear least-squares problem.
The formulation used will depend on the value of ``regularization`` in |nlls_options|, as described below.

``regularization = 1``
**This is only supported if** :math:`\bf p = 2`.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion libRALFit/doc/common/options.rst
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Expand Up @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@

.. |hybrid_switch_its| replace:: if ``model=3``, sets how many iterates in a row must the condition in the definition of ``hybrid_tol`` hold before a switch.

.. |reg_order| replace:: if ``type_of_method = 2``, the order of the regularization used (:math:`p` in (:eq:`regsub`)). If ``reg_order = 0.0``, then the algorithm chooses an appropriate value of :math:`p`.
.. |reg_order| replace:: if ``type_of_method = 2``, the order of the regularization used (:math:`q` in (:eq:`regsub`)). If ``reg_order = 0.0``, then the algorithm chooses an appropriate value of :math:`q`.

.. |inner_method| replace:: if ``nlls_method = 4``, specifies the method used to pass in the regularization parameter to the inner non-linear least squares solver. Possible values are:

Expand Down
28 changes: 11 additions & 17 deletions libRALFit/example/Fortran/LanczosBox.f90
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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module lanczos_box_module
implicit none
integer, parameter :: wp = kind(0d0)

type, extends(params_box_type) :: params_type
type, extends(params_base_type) :: params_type
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable :: t ! The m data points t_i
real(wp), dimension(:), allocatable :: y ! The m data points y_i
end type params_type
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,17 +192,17 @@ program lanczos_box
options%box_tau_tr_step = 0.3_wp
options%box_ls_step_maxit = 20

Call nlls_setup_bounds(params, n, blx, bux, options, inform)
if (inform%status/=0) then
Write(*,*) 'ERROR: nlls_setup_bounds failed, status=', inform%status
End if

!!$ Call nlls_setup_bounds(params, n, blx, bux, options, inform)
!!$ if (inform%status/=0) then
!!$ Write(*,*) 'ERROR: nlls_setup_bounds failed, status=', inform%status
!!$ stop
!!$ End if

! call fitting routine
call cpu_time(tic)
call nlls_solve(n,m,x,eval_r, eval_J, eval_HF, params, options, inform)
call nlls_solve(n,m,x,eval_r, eval_J, eval_HF, params, options, inform, &
lower_bounds=blx, upper_bounds=bux)
if( then
print *, "ral_nlls() returned with error flag ", inform%status
Expand All @@ -212,15 +212,9 @@ program lanczos_box
! Print result
Write(*,*) 'Solution: '
Write(*,Fmt=99998) 'idx', 'low bnd', 'x', 'upp bnd'
if (params%iusrbox/=0) Then
Do i = 1, n
Write(*,Fmt=99999) i, blx(i), x(i), bux(i)
End Do
Do i = 1, n
Write(*,Fmt=99997) i, x(i)
End Do
End If
Do i = 1, n
Write(*,Fmt=99999) i, blx(i), x(i), bux(i)
End Do
print *, ""
print *, "Objective Value at solution = ", inform%obj
print *, "Objective Gradient at solution = ", inform%norm_g
Expand Down
147 changes: 41 additions & 106 deletions libRALFit/src/ral_nlls_bounds.f90
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@@ -1,103 +1,36 @@
Module ral_nlls_bounds
Implicit None
! User routine
Public :: nlls_setup_bounds
! Routines used by ral_nlls_internal
Public :: box_proj, box_projdir


Subroutine nlls_setup_bounds(params, n, blx, bux, options, inform)
Use ral_nlls_workspaces
Implicit None
Integer, Intent(In) :: n
Type(NLLS_inform), Intent(InOut) :: inform
Type(NLLS_options), Intent(In) :: options
Class(params_box_type), Intent(InOut) :: params
Real(Kind=wp), Intent(In) :: blx(n), bux(n)
Integer :: i, iusrbox, ierr


params%prjchd = .False.
params%quad_i = 0
params%quad_c = 0.0_wp
params%quad_q = 0.0_wp

iusrbox = 0
Do i = 1, n
If ( blx(i) <= bux(i) .And. blx(i)==blx(i) .And. bux(i)==bux(i) ) Then
If ( blx(i) > -options%box_bigbnd .Or. options%box_bigbnd > bux(i)) Then
iusrbox = 1
End If
Go To 100
End If
End Do

params%iusrbox = iusrbox
If (iusrbox==1) Then
params%iusrbox = 1
! Clear all arrays...
If (allocated(params%blx)) deallocate(params%blx, Stat=ierr)
If (allocated(params%bux)) deallocate(params%bux, Stat=ierr)
If (allocated(params%pdir)) deallocate(params%pdir, Stat=ierr)
If (allocated(params%normFref)) deallocate(params%normFref, Stat=ierr)
If (allocated(params%sk)) deallocate(params%sk, Stat=ierr)
If (allocated(params%g)) deallocate(params%g, Stat=ierr)
Allocate(params%blx(n), params%bux(n), params%pdir(n), params%g(n), &
params%normFref(options%box_nFref_max), params%sk(n), Stat=ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) Then
If (allocated(params%blx)) deallocate(params%blx, Stat=ierr)
If (allocated(params%bux)) deallocate(params%bux, Stat=ierr)
If (allocated(params%pdir)) deallocate(params%pdir, Stat=ierr)
If (allocated(params%normFref)) deallocate(params%normFref, Stat=ierr)
If (allocated(params%sk)) deallocate(params%sk, Stat=ierr)
If (allocated(params%g)) deallocate(params%g, Stat=ierr)
inform%bad_alloc = 'ral_nlls_box'
Go To 100
end if
params%normfref(1:options%box_nFref_max) = -1.0e-20_wp
Do i = 1, n
params%blx(i) = max(blx(i), -options%box_bigbnd)
params%bux(i) = min(bux(i), options%box_bigbnd)
End Do
End If

100 Continue

End Subroutine nlls_setup_bounds

Subroutine box_proj(params, n, x, xnew, dir, alpha)
Use ral_nlls_workspaces, Only: params_box_type, wp
Subroutine box_proj(w, n, x, xnew, dir, alpha)
Use ral_nlls_workspaces, Only: box_type, wp
! Two modes
! If xnew and d are present, then project x+alpha*dir, otherwise just
! make x feasible (ignoring either dir or xnew) and return
! In either case flag in params%prjchd if the projection altered any entry
Implicit None
Integer, Intent(In) :: n
Class(params_box_type), Intent(InOut) :: params
type(box_type), Intent(InOut) :: w
Real(Kind=wp), Intent(InOut) :: x(n)
Real(Kind=wp), Intent(InOut), Optional :: xnew(n)
Real(Kind=wp), Intent(In), Optional :: dir(n), alpha
Integer :: i
Real(Kind=wp) :: alp, xi

params%prjchd = .False.
w%prjchd = .False.
If (.not. (present(xnew) .And. present(dir))) Then
! Make feasible point x and return
If (params%iusrbox==1) Then
If (w%iusrbox==1) Then
Do i = 1, n
xi = x(i)
x(i) = max(min(params%bux(i), x(i)), params%blx(i))
x(i) = max(min(w%bux(i), x(i)), w%blx(i))
If (xi/=x(i)) Then
params%prjchd = .True.
w%prjchd = .True.
End If
End Do
End If
Expand All @@ -110,11 +43,11 @@ Subroutine box_proj(params, n, x, xnew, dir, alpha)
alp = 1.0_wp
End If

If (params%iusrbox==1) Then
If (w%iusrbox==1) Then
Do i = 1, n
xnew(i) = max(min(params%bux(i), x(i)+alp*dir(i)), params%blx(i))
xnew(i) = max(min(w%bux(i), x(i)+alp*dir(i)), w%blx(i))
If (xnew(i) /= x(i)+dir(i)) Then
params%prjchd = .True.
w%prjchd = .True.
End If
End Do
Expand All @@ -125,42 +58,44 @@ Subroutine box_proj(params, n, x, xnew, dir, alpha)

End Subroutine box_proj

Subroutine box_projdir(params, n, x, dir, normg, sigma)
Use ral_nlls_workspaces, Only: params_box_type, wp
! Calculate the projected dir and it's two-norm
! Assumes dir = -fdx
! If there is no box, then normPD=normg and if pdir is allocated then
! copy dir to it.
Subroutine box_projdir(w, n, x, dir, normg, sigma)
Use ral_nlls_workspaces, Only: wp, box_type
! Calculate the projected dir and it's two-norm
! Assumes dir = -fdx
! If there is no box, then normPD=normg and if pdir is allocated then
! copy dir to it.
Implicit None
type( box_type ), Intent(InOut) :: w
Integer, Intent(In) :: n
Class(params_box_type), Intent(InOut) :: params
Real(Kind=wp), Intent(In) :: x(n), dir(n), normg
Real(Kind=wp), Intent(In), Optional :: sigma

Real(Kind=wp) :: alpb
Integer :: i

If (params%iusrbox==1) Then
If (Present(sigma)) Then
alpb = sigma
alpb = 1.0_wp
End If
params%normPD = 0.0_wp
do i = 1, n
If (params%bux(i)/=params%blx(i)) Then
params%pdir(i) = max(min(params%bux(i), x(i)+alpb*dir(i)), params%blx(i))-x(i)
params%normPD = params%normPD + (params%pdir(i))**2
params%pdir(i) = 0.0_wp
End If
end do
params%normPD = sqrt(params%normPD)
If (w%iusrbox==1) Then
If (Present(sigma)) Then
alpb = sigma
alpb = 1.0_wp
End If
w%normPD = 0.0_wp
do i = 1, n
If (w%bux(i)/=w%blx(i)) Then
w%pdir(i) = max(min(w%bux(i), x(i)+alpb*dir(i)), w%blx(i))-x(i)
w%normPD = w%normPD + (w%pdir(i))**2
w%pdir(i) = 0.0_wp
End If
end do
w%normPD = sqrt(w%normPD)
If (allocated(params%pdir)) Then
params%pdir(1:n) = dir(1:n)
End If
params%normPD = normg
If (allocated(w%pdir)) Then
w%pdir(1:n) = dir(1:n)
End If
w%normPD = normg
End If
End Subroutine box_projdir

End Module ral_nlls_bounds
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions libRALFit/src/ral_nlls_double.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
module ral_nlls_double

use ral_nlls_internal
use ral_nlls_workspaces, only : params_base_type, params_box_type, &
use ral_nlls_workspaces, only : params_base_type, &
nlls_options, nlls_inform, nlls_workspace
use ral_nlls_bounds, Only: nlls_setup_bounds

implicit none

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ end subroutine eval_hf_type

public :: nlls_solve, nlls_iterate, nlls_finalize, nlls_strerror
public :: nlls_options, nlls_inform, nlls_workspace
public :: params_base_type, params_box_type, nlls_setup_bounds
public :: params_base_type

end module ral_nlls_double


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