diffusionbee-stable-diffusion-ui Public
Forked from divamgupta/diffusionbee-stable-diffusion-uiDiffusion Bee is the easiest way to run Stable Diffusion locally on your M1 Mac. Comes with a one-click installer. No dependencies or technical knowledge needed.
Python UpdatedOct 4, 2022 -
stable-diffusion-gui Public
Forked from razzorblade/stable-diffusion-guiWindows GUI for Stable Diffusion
C# MIT License UpdatedSep 12, 2022 -
lock-manager Public
Forked from ethayer/lock-managerLock Manager
Groovy MIT License UpdatedJul 14, 2019 -
ailab Public
Forked from microsoft/ailabExperience, Learn and Code the latest breakthrough innovations with Microsoft AI
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 5, 2018 -
SmartThingsPublic Public
Forked from SmartThingsCommunity/SmartThingsPublicSmartThings open-source DeviceTypeHandlers and SmartApps code
Groovy UpdatedMay 23, 2018 -
TransposingMatrix Public
Forked from Darko-Martinovic/TransposingMatrixDetailed explanation could be found on Red Gate SimpleTalk's link 'An Easier Way of Transposing Query Result in SQL Server' https://www.red-gate.com/simple-talk/sql/t-sql-programming/easier-way-tra…
SQLPL UpdatedMar 13, 2018 -
PsvDecryptCore Public
Forked from shahkrunal/PsvDecryptCoreA decryption tool for a famous online developer training website.
C# GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMar 12, 2018 -
SmartThings-by-Shackrat Public
Forked from shackrat/SmartThings-by-ShackratSmartThings Apps
Groovy UpdatedMar 10, 2018 -
EQGRP Public
Forked from x0rz/EQGRPDecrypted content of eqgrp-auction-file.tar.xz
Perl UpdatedApr 10, 2017 -
app-evolve Public
Forked from xamarinhq/app-conferenceXamarin Evolve 2016 Mobile App
C# MIT License UpdatedApr 29, 2016 -
sessionexplorer Public
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/sessionexplorer
C# UpdatedMar 31, 2016 -
SmartThings Public
Forked from Ledridge/SmartThingsSmartThings Code
Groovy GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedSep 26, 2015 -
pivottable Public
Forked from nicolaskruchten/pivottableJavascript Pivot Table (aka Pivot Grid, Pivot Chart, Cross-Tab) implementation with drag'n'drop.
JavaScript Other UpdatedJul 26, 2015 -
allReady Public
Forked from HTBox/allReadyThis repo contains the code for allReady, an open-source solution focused on increasing awareness, efficiency and impact of preparedness campaigns as they are delivered by humanitarian and disaster…
C# MIT License UpdatedJul 20, 2015 -
saaskit Public
Forked from saaskit/saaskitA developer toolkit for building SaaS products
C# MIT License UpdatedJul 8, 2015 -
OAuthPopupAuthentication Public
Demonstrates how to do authentication with OAuth providers via a popup window
JavaScript UpdatedJun 30, 2015 -
WebApi.Hal Public
Forked from JakeGinnivan/WebApi.HalAdds support for the Hal Media Type (and Hypermedia) to Asp.net Web Api
C# Microsoft Public License UpdatedJun 26, 2015 -
odata.net Public
Forked from OData/odata.netOpen Data Protocol - .NET/Silverlight/WP8.1 Libraries and Frameworks
C# Other UpdatedJun 2, 2015 -
SlickGrid Public
Forked from mleibman/SlickGridA lightning fast JavaScript grid/spreadsheet
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 29, 2015 -
xamarin-forms-samples Public
Forked from xamarin/xamarin-forms-samplesSample apps built using the Xamarin.Forms framework
C# UpdatedMay 5, 2015 -
datatables.mvc Public
Forked from ALMMa/datatables.aspnetASP.NET MVC classes to fully integrate with DataTables 1.10 and above
C# MIT License UpdatedApr 28, 2015 -
ZipLocate Public
Forked from FoundrySH/zipcodesAn API for geolocating zip codes
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedApr 15, 2015 -
SharedWebComponentsMef Public
Forked from FNCSoftware/SharedWebComponentsMefA prototype that demonstrates what a plugin-based architecture using MEF looks like.
C# UpdatedMar 16, 2015 -
requirejs-angular-starter Public
Forked from jcreamer898/requirejs-angular-starterGet started with large scale angular applications and require.js.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 10, 2014 -
RequireJSDotNet Public
Forked from vtfuture/RequireJSDotNetRequireJS for ASP.NET MVC
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 5, 2014 -
JellyBeanTracker Public
Forked from rid00z/JellyBeanTrackerSample application that shows you how to take an asp.net application and then code share both Razor Views and Business logic with a Xamarin.Forms native application.
C# UpdatedAug 20, 2014