Starred repositories
pfalstad / circuitjs1
Forked from sharpie7/circuitjs1Electronic Circuit Simulator in the Browser
📖 HonKit is building beautiful books using Markdown - Fork of GitBook
本项目仿最新版微信6.5.7(除图片选择器外),基于融云SDK,使用目前较火的 Rxjava+Retrofit+MVP+Glide 技术开发。相比上个版本,加入发送位置消息,红包消息等功能。
DeepSeek Coder: Let the Code Write Itself
Converter of TypeScript declaration files to Kotlin declarations
Alpha是一个基于PERT图构建的Android异步启动框架,它简单,高效,功能完善。 在应用启动的时候,我们通常会有很多工作需要做,为了提高启动速度,我们会尽可能让这些工作并发进行。但这些工作之间可能存在前后依赖的关系,所以我们又需要想办法保证他们执行顺序的正确性。Alpha就是为此而设计的,使用者只需定义好自己的task,并描述它依赖的task,将它添加到Project中。框架会自动并…
Download market data from Yahoo! Finance's API
🔥 ByteHook is an Android PLT hook library which supports armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x86_64.
The official rendering library for PAG (Portable Animated Graphics) files that renders After Effects animations natively across multiple platforms.
Drift is an easy to use, reactive, typesafe persistence library for Dart & Flutter.
Responsive Admin Panel or Dashboard using Flutter
Invoice Ninja: Desktop/mobile admin portal built with Flutter
基于腾讯位置服务 JavaScript API 封装的 React 版地图组件库
Graphical User Interface for creating and running Scratch 3.0 projects.
The open source embeddable online markdown editor (component).
A CLI that writes your git commit messages for you with AI
✨ Light and Fast AI Assistant. Support: Web | iOS | MacOS | Android | Linux | Windows