I built this template as a means to quickly create a Gatsby website that uses Prismic as it's headless CMS. Feel free to use this as well.
- Configured for Prismic GraphQL API
- Netlify Configuration Included
- Includes HTML Serializer and Linkresolver functions
- Clone this repo and run 'npm install'
- Rename template.env and configure with your own Prismic repo name and API key.
- Copy contents of page-template.js in the templates folder to your custom page type in Prismic.
- To start run 'gatsby develop'
- gatsby-source-prismic(v3)
- gatsby-plugin-netlify
- gatsby-plugin-netlify-cache
- gatsby-plugin-google-analytics
- gatsby-plugin-sass
- gatsby-plugin-robots-txt
- gatsby-plugin-sitemap
- Formik