Espresso is a web-frontend for the ESPRESSO logic minimization tool originally developed at IBM. You can read more about it at the following links:
- Client-side input validation and error-checking
- Standard ESPRESSO and LaTeX output
- Enter the number of logic variables
- Enter the minterms separated by spaces or commas (e.g. 0 2 5 7 or 0, 2, 5, 7)
- Enter don't cares separated by spaces or commas (leave blank if none)
To run your own instance of Espresso:
Download the source code from to your web server's directory. For most *nix-based Apache installations this will be somewhere under /var/www/.
Download the ESPRESSO source code from
Extract the archive. Then,
cd espresso-ab-1.0/ ./configure make
Copy the espresso *nix executable under espresso-ab-1.0/src to espresso/bin
Point your web browser to the web app's index.php (espresso/index.php)
- Maxterm minimization