Let's say you have a blog application with route like this:
* @Route("/{id}", name="post_detailed")
public function indexAction(Post $post)
then your templates will have this:
<a href="{{ path('post_detailed', {'id': new_post.id}) }}">View post</a>
For this simple case, ParamConverter is automatically applied.
Now imagine you want to change it to use {slug}
instead of {id}
in your URL. Updating controller is simple, but updating all the templates is not so.
This bundle acts as ReverseParamConverter. Check this example:
* @Route("/{id}", name="post_detailed")
* @RewireParams(requires={"post"}, rewire={"id"="post.id"})
public function indexAction(Post $post)
and the template:
<a href="{{ path('post_detailed', {'post': new_post}) }}">View post</a>
Now instead of new_post.id
you can use object itself and this bundle will use it to generate {id}
needed for route.
So if you want to slug instead of id in your route, just update your controller:
* @Route("/{slug}", name="post_detailed")
* @RewireParams(requires={"post"}, rewire={"slug"="post.slug"})
public function indexAction(Post $post)
and that's all, template doesn't require any changes.
If you install this bundle, you don't have to change all your templates immediatelly. So both these combinations would still work:
<a href="{{ path('post_detailed', {'id': new_post.id}) }}">View post</a>
<a href="{{ path('post_detailed', {'post': new_post}) }}">View post</a>
The above example is pretty simple so let's try something more complex. For this, imagine we wanted to add {category_slug}
to URL for better SEO.
The old way:
* @Route("/{category_slug}/{slug}", name="post_detailed")
public function indexAction(Post $post)
<a href="{{ path('post_detailed', {'category_slug': new_post.category.slug, 'slug': new_post.slug}) }}">View post</a>
For this fictional blog application, generated route would be something like /conspiracy-theories/why-they-suck
. You can see why updating templates can be a problem.
With this bundle:
* @Route("/{category_slug}/{slug}", name="post_detailed")
* @RewireParams(requires={"post"}, rewire={"category_slug"="post.category.slug", "slug": post.slug})
public function indexAction(Post $post)
your template doesn't require any changes, it would remain the same:
<a href="{{ path('post_detailed', {'post': new_post}) }}">View post</a>
The @RewireParams annotation has 2 properties:
- requires: these are names of your parameters.
is used in all examples. - rewire: a set of key=>value pairs where key is the name used in your @Route annotation and value is PropertyAccess rule for reading objects.
While there is perfomance hit, I didn't notice any on page with 106 routes (largest I have). It is probably too small to spot it but more testing is needed.
Program works by caching @RewireParams annotations and later using it in Router decorator class. Given this bundle is built in a day, I am sure improvements can be made.
composer require wjb/rewire-bundle
If you are on Symfony4, you don't have to do anything else. For Symfony3, enable the bundle in your AppKernel:
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = [
new wjb\RewireBundle\wjbRewireBundle(),