Tags: zoez526/PlusBuild
Adding it a bit of warning logic to the CMake file to warn developers… … of 64bit vs. 32 bit library issues.
Fixed #588: It is possible to reuse existing ITK, VTK, and OpenIGTLin… …k builds. Just specify ITK_DIR, VTK_DIR, OpenIGTLink_DIR when configuring PlusBuild to avoid downloading and building in Plus.
Fixed #588: It is possible to reuse existing ITK, VTK, and OpenIGTLin… …k builds. Just specify ITK_DIR, VTK_DIR, OpenIGTLink_DIR when configuring PlusBuild to avoid downloading and building in Plus.
Removed CMake warnings for Manually-specified variables were not used… … by the project (PLUSAPP_BUILD_VolumeReconstructor, QT_BINARY_DIR)
Fixed #398: Renamed UpdateBuildAndTest.bat to PlusBuildAndTest.bat
Changed default Ultrasonix SDK version to the most recent one (5.7.1)