Instrument Application Programming Interface for the Thermo Fisher Scientific Fusion- and Exactive-series Mass Spectrometers.
Tribrid Series 3.5 has been released! Use of the IAPI with Tune 3.5 requires a patch, available here.
This repository is intended to be used for scholarly research, and is therefore made available as-is. Ongoing maintenance and support is not generally available; however, issues and improvements will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Versioning for the API will follow Semantic Versioning. Major version changes reflect breaking changes to the public API. Minor version changes reflect backwards-compatible feature additions. And patch version changes reflect backwards-compatible bug fixes. Versioning for Tune does not follow semantic versioning as there is no public API associated with it directly.
Module | Version | Date |
Instrument API | | Nov 30, 2016 |
Spectrum API | | Nov 30, 2016 |
Fusion API | | Sept 21, 2020 |
Tune | 3.0.1794 | Nov 30, 2016 |
Please see the Changelog for a complete history of the versions.
Visit the getting started document for first-time setup and requirements
Some basic usage examples. These are just parital code snippets and require the proper setup to run correctly. They are here to provide a flavor of what is possible with the IAPI.
Registers an event handler whenever a new spectrum arrives from the instrument.
// API access to a Fusion MS
IFusionInstrumentAccess instAccess = <else where>;
// Get the first scan container for the instrument
var scanContainer = instAccess.GetMsScanContainer(0);
// Add an event handler for whenever a spectrum has arrived from the instrument
scanContainer.MsScanArrived += spectrumArrived;
// The event handler
void spectrumArrived(object sender, MsScanEventArgs e)
// get the spectrum from the sending scan container
var spectrum = e.GetScan();
Visit the examples directory for some C# example programs.
When filing an issue for the IAPI, please provide the following details:
- Minimial workable example
- Version of Tune used
- Version of the API used
- Instrument Model
All examples and code snippets are governed by the MIT License.
Use of the IAPI requires a Fusion IAPI Software License Argreement to be in placed. Please see the license information in the getting started document for details.