Remix of Software Carpentry material using intermediate pandas lesson and concepts from the novice class.
- Open a terminal (Git bash on Windows)
- Type:
git clone
- Enter in the repository folder:
cd swcarpentry-workshop-pandas
- Open the IPython notebook in that folder:
ipython notebook
or~/anaconda/bin/ipython notebook
- The IPython notebook dashboard should display all the notebook, you can click to open and execute them.
Click on the following links to access a read-only view of the notebooks:
- 0 - Introduction to the notebook
- 1 - Introduction to Python
- 2 - Functions
- 3 - Lists and loops
- 4 - Defensive programming
- 5 - Creating a Python module
- 6 - Extra lesson: Python errors and traceback
Useful resources to learn more about Python, Bash and Git: