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OSINT automation for hackers.

Python Version Black License Tests Codecov

subdomain demo

BBOT is a recursive, modular OSINT framework written in Python.

It is capable of executing the entire OSINT process in a single command, including subdomain enumeration, port scanning, web screenshots (with its gowitness module), vulnerability scanning (with nuclei), and much more.

BBOT currently has over 50 modules and counting.


pipx install bbot


  • Python 3.9 or newer MUST be installed
  • pipx is recommended as an alternative to pip because it installs BBOT in its own Python environment.

If you need help with installation, please refer to the wiki.

Scanning with BBOT

Note: the httpx module is recommended in most scans because it is used by BBOT to visit webpages. For details, see the wiki.


# list modules
bbot -l

# subdomain enumeration
bbot --flags subdomain-enum --modules naabu httpx --targets

# passive modules only
bbot --flags passive --targets

# web screenshots with gowitness
bbot -m naabu httpx gowitness --name my_scan --output-dir . -t targets.txt

# web spider (search for emails, etc.)
bbot -m httpx -c web_spider_distance=2 web_spider_depth=2 -t

Using BBOT as a Python library

from bbot.scanner import Scanner

scan = Scanner("", "", modules=["naabu"], output_modules=["json"])


BBOT outputs to STDOUT by default, but it can output in multiple formats simultaneously (with --output-module).

# tee to a file
bbot -f subdomain-enum -t | tee evilcorp.txt

# output to JSON
bbot --output-module json -f subdomain-enum -t | jq

# output to CSV, TXT, and JSON, in current directory
bbot -o . --output-module human csv json -f subdomain-enum -t

For every scan, BBOT generates a unique and mildly-entertaining name like fuzzy_gandalf. Output for that scan, including the word cloud and any gowitness screenshots, etc., are saved to a folder by that name in ~/.bbot/scans. The most recent 20 scans are kept, and older ones are removed. You can change the location of BBOT's output with --output, and you can also pick a custom scan name with --name.

If you reuse a scan name, it will append to its original output files and leverage the previous word cloud.


Neo4j is the funnest (and prettiest) way to view and interact with BBOT data.


  • You can get Neo4j up and running with a single docker command:
docker run -p 7687:7687 -p 7474:7474 --env NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/bbotislife neo4j
  • After that, run bbot with --output-modules neo4j
bbot -f subdomain-enum -t --output-modules human neo4j


$ bbot --help
usage: bbot [-h] [-t TARGET [TARGET ...]] [-w WHITELIST [WHITELIST ...]] [-b BLACKLIST [BLACKLIST ...]] [-s] [-n SCAN_NAME] [-m MODULE [MODULE ...]] [-l] [-em MODULE [MODULE ...]] [-f FLAG [FLAG ...]]
            [-rf FLAG [FLAG ...]] [-ef FLAG [FLAG ...]] [-om MODULE [MODULE ...]] [-o DIR] [-c [CONFIG ...]] [--allow-deadly] [-v] [-d] [--force] [-y] [--dry-run] [--current-config] [--save-wordcloud FILE]
            [--load-wordcloud FILE] [--no-deps | --force-deps | --retry-deps | --ignore-failed-deps] [-a]

Bighuge BLS OSINT Tool

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n SCAN_NAME, --name SCAN_NAME
                        Name of scan (default: random)
  -m MODULE [MODULE ...], --modules MODULE [MODULE ...]
                        Modules to enable. Choices: affiliates,asn,aspnet_viewstate,azure_tenant,binaryedge,blind_ssrf,bypass403,c99,censys,certspotter,cookie_brute,crobat,crt,dnscommonsrv,dnsdumpster,dnszonetransfer,emailformat,ffuf,ffuf_shortnames,generic_ssrf,getparam_brute,github,gowitness,hackertarget,header_brute,host_header,httpx,hunt,hunterio,iis_shortnames,ipneighbor,leakix,massdns,naabu,ntlm,nuclei,passivetotal,pgp,securitytrails,shodan_dns,skymem,smuggler,sslcert,sublist3r,telerik,threatminer,urlscan,viewdns,wappalyzer,wayback,zoomeye
  -l, --list-modules    List available modules.
  -em MODULE [MODULE ...], --exclude-modules MODULE [MODULE ...]
                        Exclude these modules.
  -f FLAG [FLAG ...], --flags FLAG [FLAG ...]
                        Enable modules by flag. Choices: active,aggressive,brute-force,deadly,passive,portscan,report,safe,slow,subdomain-enum,web
  -rf FLAG [FLAG ...], --require-flags FLAG [FLAG ...]
                        Disable modules that don't have these flags (e.g. --require-flags passive)
  -ef FLAG [FLAG ...], --exclude-flags FLAG [FLAG ...]
                        Disable modules with these flags. (e.g. --exclude-flags brute-force)
  -om MODULE [MODULE ...], --output-modules MODULE [MODULE ...]
                        Output module(s). Choices: csv,http,human,json,neo4j,websocket
  -o DIR, --output-dir DIR
  -c [CONFIG ...], --config [CONFIG ...]
                        custom config file, or configuration options in key=value format: 'modules.shodan.api_key=1234'
  --allow-deadly        Enable running modules tagged as "deadly"
  -v, --verbose         Be more verbose
  -d, --debug           Enable debugging
  --force               Run scan even if module setups fail
  -y, --yes             Skip scan confirmation prompt
  --dry-run             Abort before executing scan
  --current-config      Show current config in YAML format

  -t TARGET [TARGET ...], --targets TARGET [TARGET ...]
                        Targets to seed the scan
                        What's considered in-scope (by default it's the same as --targets)
                        Don't touch these things
  -s, --strict-scope    Don't consider subdomains of target/whitelist to be in-scope

Word cloud:
  Save/load wordlist of common words gathered during a scan

  --save-wordcloud FILE
                        Output wordcloud to custom file when the scan completes
  --load-wordcloud FILE
                        Load wordcloud from a custom file

Module dependencies:
  Control how modules install their dependencies

  --no-deps             Don't install module dependencies
  --force-deps          Force install all module dependencies
  --retry-deps          Try again to install failed module dependencies
  --ignore-failed-deps  Run modules even if they have failed dependencies

  Report back to a central server

  -a, --agent-mode      Start in agent mode

BBOT Config

BBOT loads its config from these places in the following order:

  • ~/.config/bbot/defaults.yml
  • ~/.config/bbot/bbot.yml <-- Use this one as your main config
  • ~/.config/bbot/secrets.yml <-- Use this one for sensitive stuff like API keys
  • command line (via --config)

Command-line arguments take precedence over all others. You can give BBOT a custom config file with --config myconf.yml, or individual arguments like this: --config http_proxy= modules.shodan_dns.api_key=1234. To display the full and current BBOT config, including any command-line arguments, use bbot --current-config.

For explanations of config options, see defaults.yml or the wiki


Module Needs API Key Description Flags Produced Events
aspnet_viewstate Parse web pages for viewstates and check them against blacklist3r active,safe,web VULNERABILITY
bypass403 Check 403 pages for common bypasses active,aggressive,web FINDING
cookie_brute Check for common HTTP cookie parameters active,aggressive,brute-force,slow,web FINDING
dnszonetransfer Attempt DNS zone transfers active,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME
ffuf A fast web fuzzer written in Go active,aggressive,brute-force,deadly,web URL
ffuf_shortnames Use ffuf in combination IIS shortnames active,aggressive,brute-force,web URL
generic_ssrf Check for generic SSRFs active,aggressive,web VULNERABILITY
getparam_brute Check for common HTTP GET parameters active,aggressive,brute-force,slow,web FINDING
gowitness Take screenshots of webpages active,safe,web SCREENSHOT
header_brute Check for common HTTP header parameters active,aggressive,brute-force,slow,web FINDING
host_header Try common HTTP Host header spoofing techniques active,aggressive,web FINDING
httpx Visit webpages. Many other modules rely on httpx active,safe,web HTTP_RESPONSE,URL
hunt Watch for commonly-exploitable HTTP parameters active,safe,web FINDING
iis_shortnames Check for IIS shortname vulnerability active,safe URL_HINT
naabu Execute port scans with naabu active,aggressive,portscan OPEN_TCP_PORT
ntlm Watch for HTTP endpoints that support NTLM authentication active,safe,web DNS_NAME,FINDING
nuclei Fast and customisable vulnerability scanner active,aggressive,deadly,web VULNERABILITY
smuggler Check for HTTP smuggling active,aggressive,brute-force,slow,web FINDING
sslcert Visit open ports and retrieve SSL certificates active,email-enum,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME,EMAIL_ADDRESS
telerik Scan for critical Telerik vulnerabilities active,aggressive,web FINDING,VULNERABILITY
vhost Fuzz for virtual hosts active,aggressive,brute-force,deadly,slow,web DNS_NAME,VHOST
wappalyzer Extract technologies from web responses active,safe,web TECHNOLOGY
affiliates Summarize affiliate domains at the end of a scan passive,report,safe
asn Query for ASNs passive,report,safe,subdomain-enum ASN
azure_tenant Query Azure for tenant sister domains passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME
binaryedge X Query the BinaryEdge API passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME,EMAIL_ADDRESS,IP_ADDRESS,OPEN_PORT,PROTOCOL
c99 X Query the C99 API for subdomains passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME
censys X Query the Censys API email-enum,passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME,EMAIL_ADDRESS,IP_ADDRESS,OPEN_PORT,PROTOCOL
certspotter Query Certspotter's API for subdomains passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME
crobat Query Project Crobat for subdomains passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME
crt Query (certificate transparency) for subdomains passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME
dnscommonsrv Check for common SRV records passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME
dnsdumpster Query dnsdumpster for subdomains passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME
emailformat Query for email addresses email-enum,passive,safe EMAIL_ADDRESS
github X Query Github's API for related repositories passive,safe,subdomain-enum URL_UNVERIFIED
hackertarget Query the API for subdomains passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME
hunterio X Query for emails email-enum,passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME,EMAIL_ADDRESS,URL_UNVERIFIED
ipneighbor Look beside IPs in their surrounding subnet aggressive,passive,subdomain-enum IP_ADDRESS
leakix Query for subdomains passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME
massdns Brute-force subdomains with massdns (highly effective) aggressive,brute-force,passive,slow,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME
passivetotal X Query the PassiveTotal API for subdomains passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME
pgp Query common PGP servers for email addresses email-enum,passive,safe EMAIL_ADDRESS
securitytrails X Query the SecurityTrails API for subdomains passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME
shodan_dns X Query Shodan for subdomains passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME
skymem Query for email addresses email-enum,passive,safe EMAIL_ADDRESS
sublist3r Query sublist3r's API for subdomains passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME
threatminer Query threatminer's API for subdomains passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME
urlscan Query for subdomains passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME,URL_UNVERIFIED
viewdns Query's reverse whois for related domains passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME
wayback Query's API for subdomains passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME,URL_UNVERIFIED
zoomeye X Query ZoomEye's API for subdomains passive,safe,subdomain-enum DNS_NAME


OSINT automation for hackers.







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  • Python 99.9%
  • Shell 0.1%