Project for building Admin page base on create-react-app
We focus on:
- Same source structure with react-native mobile application
- Easy to develop and scale
- Easy to handle error and finding problems
- Worked properly even no-network
- Enhance user experience by cached user data
- etc
public: base html logo
src: source code
- assets: assets used by application, like images, jsons, etc
- common: common components and features which can reuse by another modules
- configs: configs server, contract, etc ,...
- modules: the application make up by a lot of modules: user, home, etc. It make simpler to develop and easier finding problems.
- pages
- Route system: handle application route and support page change event
- Persist system: user data like user, etc will be cached ( make sure app can work event no-network and enhance user experience )
- State management
- Support authentication fetch, JWT