This project is the kernel part of TeleCP: a 3D telepresence software framework that supports high-level co-presence. The rendering part of TeleCP is at
TeleCP has two advantages:
commercial hardware
Unity3D plugin for App development
supporting high-level co-presence
temporal synchronicity: low end-to-end delay; sync assistance
spatial synchronicity: shared space; shared props
A 3D telepresence system consists of two capture sites. At each site, we have:
a computer with
Intel i7-7700k CPU
GTX 1080Ti GPU
Intel X520-SR2 network cards
HTC Vive
3 * Intel Realsense D415
We used optical fiber to connect the two sites.
Install visual studio 2017 (VS). Install neccessary components.
Install Cuda 10.0.
Install Point Cloud Library (PCL 1.8.1).
Install Realsense SDK2.
Install Opencv 3.4.0. Set "OpenCV_DIR" as the path with OpenCVConfig.cmake (e.g., opencv\build\x64\vc15\lib).
Use CMake to generate this project. The complier is "visual studio 2017 v15 win64".
In the VS project, choose "x64 + Release" complie mode.
Set the path of *.dll of opencv and realsense in the environment variable.
Combined with the rendering part of TeleCP 3D-Telepresence-Rendering (, we can release the following executable files:
calibration.exe: the EXE for background removal, cameras calibration and original point setting.
TeleCP.exe: the EXE that connects two ends for the 3D telepresence.
The building steps are as follows:
In the "calibration" project, release calibration.exe.
In the "TeleCP" project:
Define the end (server or client) by setting "telecp = new TeleCP(true / false)" in telepresence_dll.cpp.
Release TeleCP.dll from this project.
Move TeleCP.dll to "Assets/Plugins/" in the project 3D-Telepresence-Rendering (made by Unity3D).
Generate TeleCP.exe in Unity3D.
The "test" project is for development.
TeleCP.dll together with the project 3D-Telepresence-Rendering make up the Unity3D plugin of TeleCP.
Run calibration.exe to calibrate each end.
Background removal: move away everything that are not included in the virtual scene. Press key "b" to remove them from the 3D reconstruction.
Cameras calibration: press key "r" to start the calibration process. We use a checkerboard for the calibration. The checkerboard is a A4 paper printed with checkerboard.png pasted on a flat board.
Original point setting: press key "o" to set the original point as the center of checkerboard.
This calibration information is stored in Background.cfg and Extrinsics.cfg.
Run TeleCP.exe to connect the two ends for the 3D telepresence.
We use an optical fibre to connect the two ends.
Set the IP of server to; set the IP of client to
First, run TeleCP.exe in server; then, run TeleCP.exe in client.
TeleCP.h summerizes APIs of TeleCP. Please see its annotation.
calibration_exe.cpp and telepresence_dll.cpp give examples of how to use these APIs.