How to install:
- install node.
- install npm.
- npm install
- npm start
Base project: End-to-end testing: App packaging:
(just npm start after the first time.)
(Edit this if this is wrong. Need to install fresh.)
- Fill out the website
- Set up a pipeline for auto-builds
fill, line
ME4 bugs / improvements
- If you've selected a parallax layer, the parallax offsets will apply to the tileset (???)
- tools can be selected, but either cannot be used, or their effect not visible
initialize the z-orders of palletes better, and save their order in the save/restore system
notifications are broken,
Extract all obs-related things into an appropriate library
Fix Layers palette reflow if you initialize it hidden but then show it. (needs dynamic resize on show)
Change mouse cursor to the current tool icon (or crosshairs?)
force layernames to be unique
- update entity.location.layer on layername change
- update map.entities[layername] references on layername change
- move to UUIDs for this whole thing
make all .dialog( calls pull from a universal width source
God, make the edit dialogs look good what's with the lack of label orientation christ what is this the stone ages?
do not overwrite .chr's in entity.filename with "default"
Christ, figure out a better template formate than just having it inline (just use REACT already?)
- JSON data definition format for zone/entity etc? Autogen create/edit? Stupid? Smart?
show scrollbars on main window if there are palettes offscreen.
setup_shitty_obs_layer like setup_shitty_zone_layer.
"Gather all" dialogs
dialogs should live in a module
- enter should attempt to submit a dialog, no matter what.
OMG, kill all caught exceptions from the framework. We should be able to "Pause On Caught Exceptions" in peace
Map palette needs to remember dimensions.
make sure map.renderString saves/loads properly
add last eye-open/eye-closed state to savefile (seperate dict from 'game' data. editor-specific state.)
verify load/save of layer parallax values.
verify load/save of layer lucency values.
restore Map palette dimensions like other palettes
Need a menu item for gathering all windows within the given area, if they are offscreen.
delete layers
delete zones
delete entities
resize / crop layers
entity palette
VSP selector
entity selector
a way to show / hide entity indexes on map (and/or click-entity-to-select-it behavior)
remove the hardcoded 16's in the entity palette: should be referencing the current tileset's tilesize.
maybe have some data-marker in the format if it's px/py vs tx/ty?
continuous drawing (draw everything in a line from prevLoc to curLoc per frame. BREZINGHAMZ J0)
eyeball icons for entity layer should hide the "normal" entities
we should change the entity layer paradigm since they can be ANYWHERE now
eyeball icon for RENDER layer should do ????
do we even NEED a render layer?
all layers should have unique string names and that should be enforced.
- on successful layer namechange, change all entity.location.layers from old -> new
properly initialize infoWindow upon load
This list is not exhaustive
rename default to VERGE3_DEFAULT
on change of entity filename, reload all animation strands
Require Entity name uniqueness?
- Modify mapscripts to select entities by name (break the index dependency)
New Entity:
- Filename, even when tabbed to
- Animation <- dependent on valid Filename
- Facing <- dependent on valid Filename (maybe?)
- location.layer <- populate
- to package.json , "pre-commit": [ "lint", "validate", "test" ]
Icons designed by Freepik and distributed by Flaticon