GLBlaat is a set of cross-platform C++ wrappers aimed at simplifying development of OpenGL applications using various bits of OpenGL functionality. Currently, GLBlaat contains:
- Texture objects (2D, 2D rectangle, 3D)
- Framebuffer objects
- GLSL shaders (vertex, fragment and geometry)
- Vertex and pixel buffer objects
- Asynchronous queries (timer and occlusion)
- A number of utility classes simplifying GL development.
GLBlaat works on both Windows and Linux, and may also work on OS X.
Check the wiki for information on how to build the library and how to use it.
If you find any bugs, please create an issue containing the details of what you were trying to do and what went wrong. I'll try to fix it as soon as I can. Also feel free to add your suggestions or ideas for improving the library!