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名称 | 项目 |
2021课程主页 | 李宏毅2021春季机器学习 |
2022课程主页 | 李宏毅2022春季机器学习 |
B站视频合集 | (强推)李宏毅2021春机器学习课程 |
百度云资料/作业/范例汇总 | 提取码:sv1i |
章节 | 名称 | 视频 | 资料 | 作业 |
Introduction | Course Introduction | 链接 | ppt pdf | - |
Introduction | Introduction of ML/DL | 链接 | ppt pdf | HW1: Regression |
Deep Learning | Guideline of ML: overfit | 链接 | ppt pdf | - |
Deep Learning | Critical Point: small gradient | 链接 | ppt pdf | - |
Deep Learning | Adaptive Learning Rate: optimizer | 链接 | ppt pdf | - |
Deep Learning | Loss of Classification: classification | 链接 | ppt pdf | HW2: Classification |
CNN & Self-Attention | ML Pretest | - | - | |
CNN & Self-Attention | CNN | 链接 | ppt pdf | HW3: CNN |
CNN & Self-Attention | Self-Attention | 链接 | ppt pdf | HW4: Self-Attention |
Theory of ML | PAC Learning | - | - | |
Transformer | Normalization | 链接 | ppt pdf | - |
Transformer | Seq2Seq | 链接 | ppt pdf | HW5: Transformer |
Generative Model | GAN | 链接 | ppt pdf | HW6: GAN |
Self-Supervised Learning | BERT | 链接 | ppt pdf | HW7: BERT |
Self-Supervised Learning | Auto-Encoder & Anomaly Detection | 链接 | ppt pdf | HW8: Anomaly Detection |
Explainable AI / Adversarial Attack | Explainable AI | 链接 | ppt pdf | HW9: Explainable AI |
Explainable AI / Adversarial Attack | Adversarial Attack | 链接 | ppt pdf | HW10: Adversarial Attack |
Domain Adaptation | - | 链接 | ppt pdf | HW11: Adaptation |
RL | DRL | 链接 | ppt pdf | HW12: RL |
Quantum ML | - | - | - | |
Life-Long/Compression | Life-long Learning | 链接 | ppt pdf | HW13: Compression |
Life-Long/Compression | Network Compression | 链接 | ppt pdf | HW14: Life-long Learning |
Meta Learning | - | 链接 | ppt pdf | HW15: Meta Learning |
日期 | 项目 |
2021/03/16 | 更新HW1、HW2,同步更新助教范例 |
2021/03/26 | 更新HW3、HW4课件、代码、范例;release页发布HW1-HW4数据 |
2021/04/01 | 更新选修内容To Learn More,基本是李老师今年不打算讲而以前讲过的知识点(旧视频) |
2021/04/09 | 更新GAN 及 HW05 |
2021/04/16 | 更新Self-Supervised Learning 及 HW06 |
2021/04/30 | 更新Explainable AI&Adversarial Attack 及 HW07&HW08 |
2021/05/06 | 更新Domain Adaptation 及 HW09&HW10 |
2021/05/21 | 更新RL 及 HW11 |
2021/05/28 | 更新Quantum ML |
2021/06/04 | 更新Life-Long&Compression 及 HW12 |
2021/06/11 | 更新Meta Learning 及 HW13&HW14 |
2021/06/18 | 更新HW15,随着李老师课程结语视频上传,2021机器学习基本结束啦 |
2021/12/20 | 更新Github排版,删除repo中的ppt/pdf直接提供下载链接,总资料放入百度云盘-提取码:sv1i |
2022/02/17 | 2022春季机器学习课程未重新录制,UP同步更新官网补充内容 |