This small library provides a simple facility to send push messages to the Apple push notification service. The library uses netty for the asynchronous communication with the server.
To build the api-doc plugin you'll have to clone the git repository.
git clone git(at)
Assuming that you have Leiningen already installed. Simply execute
lein install
to install the plugin into your local plugin repository.
To integrate the library in you project simply add this to your project.clj
:dependencies [[herolabs/apns "0.1.0"]]
Sending a push message is quite easy. First we create the message. It's a simple clojure map, but you also may
use some builder/helper functions from herolabs.apns.message
(def message (-> {}
(with-loc-args ["Jenna" "Frank"])))
Will create a message like this:
{:aps {:alert {:loc-args ["Jenna" "Frank"], :loc-key "GAME_PLAY_REQUEST_FORMAT"}}}
The next important step is to create a connecion. The connection will act as proxy for the real connection to the Apple service. You don't need to open, close or maintain it. The underlying connection management is handeled by the library and netty.
To create a connection we will need a ssl-context
and an address
of the Apple servers. The address
is the easy part.
You may need the dev-address
or the prod-address
to obtain the addresses used by Apple.
To create the ssl-context
you may use the functions in herolabs.apns.ssl
. First create a Files or URLs to your
certificate and key files. Then you can use the keystore
function to create a transient keystore containing the key and the certificate.
(let [key-file (resource "files/my-project.p12")
cert-file (resource "files/my-project.cer")
store (ssl/keystore :key-path key-
:key-pass "verysecretkeypass"
:cert-path cert-file)]
Unfortunately the certificates used by Apple are not signed by a major (known by the JRE) authority. So the connection would not be established by the JRE. You have to choices: a) import the Apple certificates into the JRE keystores (secure) b) override the trust manager so that he accepts the certificate (not so secure). In this example I chose b.
Now lets have a look how to create the context and connection:
(let [silly-trust-managers (naive-trust-managers :trace true)
ctx (ssl/ssl-context :keystore store :trust-managers silly-trust-managers)
connection (push/create-connection (dev-address) ctx)]
Now lets send a message:
(send-message connection "--the-device-token--" message)
Due to the nature of the protocol the feedback is very "limitied". This means, if an error occurs Apple simply closes the underlying connection. So you don't get any feedback if the message will reach the sender, but that is exactly the terms Apple supplies. Event the so calles "enhanced" message format delivers some errors about the message format, but you can't find out if the delivery to the device was successful.
To use the push notifications correctly you'll have to check for feedback in a regular fashion. The feedback service provides a list of device tokens and timestamps of the devices that have your application no longer installed.
Using this service is also pretty simple:
(doseq [[token timestamp] (feedback (dev-address) ssl-context)]
(deregister-device token))
The feedback
function returns a lazy collection that reads the data from the service. The
also contain the dev-address
or the prod-address
functions to contain the addresses. Be aware that they differ from
the ones used by the push service.
This is the old and less elegant easy way.
To create the ssl-context
you may use the functions in herolabs.apns.ssl
. First create a File or URL to your
keystore. How you create this, I'll explain later.
(def key-store ( "keys/my-keystore"))
As trust manager just use the same brainded version like in the last example. Now we have everything in place to create the SSLContext to user for the connection.
(def ctx (ssl-context
:store-path keystore
:store-pass "averysecretpassword"
:cert-pass "anevenbetterpassword"
:trust-managers silly-trust-managers)
So let's create the connection:
(def connection (push/create-connection (dev-address) ctx))
a vóila! The message is sent!
Personally I used this guide. Basically you convert the .P12 certificate
file which Apple provides into the DER format using openssl
. You do this in two steps, first you seperate PEM files for
the key and the certifcate and then you generate the DER files
Step 1:
openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in your-cert.p12 -out key.pem -nodes
openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in your-cert.p12 -out cert.pem
Step 2:
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in key.pem -inform PEM -out key.der -outform DER
openssl x509 -in cert.pem -inform PEM -out cert.der -outform DER
Then you use a small java class (source or compiled in Java 1.5) created by AgentBob -
java ImportKey key.der cert.der
This creates the keystore keystore.ImportKey
which you may mow modify with the java keytool.
mv keystore.ImportKey my-keystore
keytool -changealias -alias importkey -destalias apple-push-service -keystore my-keystore
keytool -keypasswd -alias apple-push-service -keystore my-keystore
keytool -storepasswd -keystore my-keystore
I am pretty sure you will ask, so the the default password of the keystore.ImportKey
is importkey
. Neither the
name of the keystore or the key alias matter for the usage with the library. But you have to make sure that you
supply the correct passwords with :store-pass
and :cert-pass
to the library.
Copyright (c) 2012 HEROLABS GmbH. All rights reserved.
The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0 ( which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution. By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.