Flask-Gravatar Public
Small and simple gravatar usage in Flask.
kubedrone Public
Apply Kubernetes configurations from Drone
aiompd Public
MPD (Music Player Daemon) client for asyncio
docker-devpi Public
Simple and small devpi server
kubeacme Public
SSL with Let's Encrypt to kubernates secrets
nginx-le Public
Forked from nginx-le/nginx-leNginx with automatic let's encrypt (docker image)
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 21, 2019 -
kubeawsctl Public
Docker image with awscli, kubectl and some utils
docker-mo Public
Mustache Templates in Bash with Docker
trans Public
National characters transcription module.
hostport Public
Simple parser strings like as "grpchost:50051".
aiohttp_traversal Public
Traversal based router for aiohttp.web
smtp-faker Public
Smtp server for development
automated-ebs-snapshots Public
Forked from sebdah/automated-ebs-snapshotsScript for managing automated AWS EBS snapshots
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 1, 2018 -
aiotraversal Public
Web framework for big complicated applications based on aiohttp
versions Public
Simple create a version number
migranite Public
Manage migrations tool
pyramid_crow Public
Forked from npilon/pyramid_crowhttp context compliant automatic raven integration for pyramid
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 26, 2016 -
rpio-server Public
Standalone server application to control GPIO on RaspberryPi
aiohttp_exc_handlers Public
Bind views to exceptions for aiohttp
resolver_deco Public
Decorator for resolve function arguments
includer Public
Include and run callables
Flake8Lint Public
Forked from dreadatour/Flake8LintSublime Text plugin: lint Python files with pep8, pep257, pyflake, mccabe and pep8-naming
Python UpdatedSep 21, 2015