University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
- Hamburg, Germany
- https://scholar.google.de/citations?user=uRLPQgIAAAAJ&hl=en
- @Sc1naps
- Pro
3D force-directed graph component using ThreeJS/WebGL
Template for writing a PhD thesis in Markdown
Core statistical text for Statistical Thinking in the 21st Century
Connectome Mapper 3 is a BIDS App that implements full anatomical, diffusion, resting/state functional MRI, and recently EEG processing pipelines, from raw T1 / DWI / BOLD , and preprocessed EEG da…
Website for the 2020 OHBM Hackathon (Location: 3rd planet from the Sun)
Brainsprite turns a sprite of brain slices into a 3D interactive web viewer
Open resource exchange platform for non-human primate neuroimaging
brain image comparison and visualization methods for python!
Information theoretic analysis of binary spiking data
complexbrains / osr2020
Forked from ohbm/osr2020Website for the Open Science Room at the OHBM 2020 meeting