University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
- Hamburg, Germany
- https://scholar.google.de/citations?user=uRLPQgIAAAAJ&hl=en
- @Sc1naps
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micapipe from the Multimodal imaging and connectome analysis lab (http://mica-mni.github.io) at the Montreal Neurological Institute. Read The Docs documentation below
Code and documentation supporting Bazinet et al., 2020, "Multiscale communication in cortico-cortical networks"
The ENIGMA Toolbox is an open-source repository for accessing 100+ ENIGMA statistical maps, visualizing cortical and subcortical surface data, and relating neuroimaging findings to micro- and macro…
Code to analyse structural covariance brain networks using python.
A toolbox for implementing Network Control Theory analyses in python
This is the official repository for the tutorial titled "Deep Learning for Brain Encoding and Decoding" to be conducted at CogSci-2022.
Open standard for machine learning interoperability
Multi-Scale Brain Parcellator, part of the Connectome Mapping Toolkit (CMTK), is a BIDS App that implements a full anatomical MRI processing pipeline, from raw T1w data to structural brain parcella…
Connectome Mapper 3 is a BIDS App that implements full anatomical, diffusion, resting/state functional MRI, and recently EEG processing pipelines, from raw T1 / DWI / BOLD , and preprocessed EEG da…
Fast, flexible and extensible genome browser.
ENIGMA HALFpipe is a user-friendly software that facilitates reproducible analysis of fMRI data
Software interfaces for interacting with brain atlases - Python client
Rough draft of a guide for reviewing fmriprep's QA outputs
brainPlot is a MATLAB function to create simple line-art brain plots.
Create realistic networks of neurons, synapses placed using touch detection between axons and dendrites
brain image comparison and visualization methods for python!
Code for the paper "Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners"
Library for building powerful interactive command line applications in Python
Spatial Analysis of ISH Brain Slice Data
An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library
How to 3D print your brain from a T1 MRI image.