result set fusion for visible-light and infrared images
computational zoom from raw sensor data
This repo contains the dataset of IR and B&W images taken with the cameras Lepton FLiR and Himax for the study of the paper "Infrared Dataset Generation for People Detection Through Superimposition…
YOLO v3 Human, vehicle, animal detection model both on RGB and Infrared video. It can detect from various angle for the people who uses this model for specific purpose. And it puts out its result i…
LBFGS-Lite: A header-only L-BFGS unconstrained optimizer.
ROS node for real-time FCNN depth reconstruction
An awesome list of self-driving cars
Obstacle avoidance using deep reinforcement learning using raspberry pi
Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance robot using Linear Regression
The closed-loop garbage collection autonomous cleaning system identifies garbage and directs a rover to the garbage to collect it. The detection of garbage is done in a controlled environment using…
This project involves creating a drone which is capable of tracking the movements of a persons face and body and follow them where they go. In addition the drone will be able to avoid incoming obje…
The goal of this project is to design a path planner that is able to create smooth, safe paths for the car to follow along a 3 lane highway with traffic. A successful path planner will be able to k…
A sample ROS package that provides model predictive equilibrium point control for the turtlebot simulator.
NH00000 / gym_ped_sim
Forked from onlytailei/gym_ped_simA ros gazebo plugin for pedestrians (Raw depth social compliant navigation through GAIL) ICRA 2018
Pedestrian simulator powered by the social force model
Roadmap to becoming an Artificial Intelligence Expert in 2022