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Starred repositories
A simple javascript utility for conditionally joining classNames together
An example React / Redux / Redux Saga application talking to a Symfony 3 API
The library for web and native user interfaces.
sei-eternity / lesson-w07d04-axios-code-along
Forked from wdi-infinity/lesson-week_05-day_01-axios-code-alongClone of Google Momentum Extension Plug In
List of 1000 JavaScript Interview Questions
University of Helsinkiโs massive open online course (MOOC) on object-oriented programming!
Play the Chrome T-Rex game by physically jumping
A GUI application for submitting code files to MOSS
๐ฎ Make a game with Canvas + JavaScript ๐
A browser-based 2D platformer with an interactive physics-based gameplay
Bootstrap 5 & Material Design UI KIT
IRL version of Chrome Offline T-Rex game
Open source wireframing tool written in typescript, react and redux.
chirag64 / t-rex-runner-bot
Forked from wayou/t-rex-runnerA bot that plays the t-rex runner game from Chrome's offline error page.
Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
๐ฆ Train Google's dinosaur using neural network in browser
๐ฆ Google Chrome T-Rex Run! in 3D (WebGL experiment)
๐ก ๐ฐ Learn how to share your UX ideas with your team and the world so you can test hypotheses fast!
Turn your Hyper terminal into nyan cat while typing.
๐ฆ An Artificial Inteligence to teach Google's Dinosaur to jump cactus
๐ฒ Step by step clone of how to build the Dinosaur game found on Chrome No Internet Screen